Mod Configuration‐ - Lightman314/LightmansCurrency GitHub Wiki

Mod Configuration

IMPORTANT NOTE This page lists how things are configured in LC Forge v2.2.0.0 and older. To view documentation for the latest versions of LC Forge please go here.

As a Currency/Economy mod, Lightman's Currency has a lot of configuration options to help you balance your economy in any way you wish. Below is a more detailed list of all configuration options and what they change.

Client Config

Found in FOLDER/config/lightmanscurrency-client.toml


itemTraderRenderLimit The maximum number of items (per trade) that an Item Trader is allowed to render in-world. Setting to 0 will disable, but setting to 1 should be enough to reduce lag in trader-heavy areas.


timeFormatting The format of the Time Stamps displayed in this mod. Mostly used for Notifications. Follows SimpleDateFormatting


Various Inputs that let you customize the location of the wallet slot in your inventory menu. Useful if another mod places their own item slots or buttons where the wallet slot is placed.

buttonX/Y The X & Y offset of the "Open Wallet" button (pixels from the top-left corner of the wallet slot).

slotX/Y the X & Y position of the wallet slot in the inventory screen (pixels from the top-left corner of the menu).

creativeSlotX/Y the X & Y position of the wallet slot in the creative inventory (pixels from the top-left corner of the menu).


Various Inputs that let you customize the location of the Wallet HUD.

enabled Whether the Wallet HUD will show itself.

displayType The display method of the Wallet HUD.

  • ITEMS_WIDE Draws the Wallet followed by its contained coins.
  • ITEMS_NARROW Same as ITEMS_WIDE but the contained coins will be closer together and may/will overlap.
  • TEXT Draws the value text of the wallets contents in the format defined in the coin_value_display section of the server config.

displayCorner The corner that the Wallet HUD will display at. Accepted values are TOP_LEFT,TOP_RIGHT,BOTTOM_LEFT, and BOTTOM_RIGHT

displayOffsetX/Y The X/Y offset of the Wallet HUD (pixels from the corner)


Various inputs that let you customize the location of the notification & team manager buttons in your inventory menu. Useful if another mod places their own buttons where my buttons are placed.

buttonX/Y the X position of the left-most button (pixels from the top-left corner of the menu).

buttonCreativeX/Y the X & Y position of the left-most button in the creative inventory (pixels from the top-left corner of the menu).


Settings related to the "Move Coins into Wallet" button that can appear in the chest screen.

enabled Whether the "Move Coins into Wallet" button will appear in the top-right corner of a Chest Screen (if there are coins to collect)

allowHiddenCollection Whether the button will also collect coins that are flagged as hidden (by default these would be the Coin Pile and Coin Block items)


notificationsInChat Whether notifications are allows to push a notification in your in-game chat box. Notifications will still be visible in the notification screen accessible from your inventory.


Settings related to the Slot Machine and its animation.

animationDuration The duration of the slot machine animation in Minecraft Ticks (20 ticks = 1s)

animationRestDuration The duration of the slot machine animations "rest" state (only used when the 5x or 10x buttons were pressed)


moneyMendingClick Whether money mending will trigger a coin sound when repairing a tool.

Common Config

Found in FOLDER/config/lightmanscurrency-common.toml

debugLevel The debug level of the mod. Useful if you don't want to see log messages from me in the server console. Note that even if disabled, logs will still appear in the debug.log file.


Various config options to disable the recipes of certain blocks/items. There are quite a lot of sub-options, but I'm not going to go into details here, as they're fairly self-explanatory.

Note: Disabling the crafting recipe does NOT disable their use for players who already have them, and will not prevent them from being obtained via command, creative mode. or admin trader. If you wish to disable a recipe that isn't listed in the config, I highly recommend the use of CraftTweaker.


Various config options to customize how my mod interacts with Vanilla and/or Modded Villagers. Note: Due to how villagers work, any changes made here CANNOT apply to any existing villager trades.

addCustomWanderTrades Whether my mod will insert some custom trades into the Wandering Traders trade pool.

addBanker/Cashier Whether the Banker or Cashier villagers added by my mod will have any trades registered.


changeVanillaTrades Whether villagers added by vanilla Minecraft will have their Emeralds replaced with coins.

changeModdedTrades Whether villagers added by other mods will have their Emeralds replaced with coins.

changeWanderingTrades Whether the Wandering Trader will have their Emeralds replaced with coins.

defaultTraderCoin The default coin that villagers will have their Emeralds replaced by.

traderOverrides A list of override entries that will replace specific villager types with a coin other than the default coin.

Entries should be formatted as "villager_id-coin_id".

For example, replacing the Butcher's emeralds with a Gold Coin would be "minecraft:butcher-lightmanscurrency:coin_gold"


Various config options allowing you to define the coins used for Entity and Chest loot.

lootItemT? The item defined as Tier ? loot.


Various config options allowing you to define what entities will drop what value of coins (if any at all)

enableEntityDrops Whether entities will drop coins at all. Does not replace any loot table modifications done via a data pack.

enableSpawnerEntityDrops Whether entities spawned by a vanilla spawner will drop coins. Enable only if you wish players to be able to infinitely farm coins.

allowFakePlayerTrigger Whether modded machines that emulate player behavior can trigger coin drops. Enable only if you wish players to be able to infinitely farm coins from mobs.

entityListT? A list of entity ids that should spawn loot of the given Tier (and lower tiers as well).

Note: If an entity is on multiple lists, only the lowest tier of loot will be triggered.

bossEntityListT? A list of entity ids that should spawn boss-level loot of the given Tier (and lower tiers as well).

Note: Boss tier loot does not require a player kill to trigger, and spawns a much larger coin quantity than the non-boss equivalent.


Various config options allowing you to define what chests loot tables will spawn what value of coins (if any at all)

enableChestLoot Whether coins will be inserted into any chests loot tables at all. Does not block loot tables added or edited by a data pack.

chestListT? List of loot tables (e.g. "minecraft:chests/ruined_portal") that will generate the given tier of loot in them.

Note: If a loot table is on multiple lists, only the lowest tier of loot will be triggered.

Server Config

Found in WORLD/serverconfig/lightmanscurrency-server.toml For Single-Player worlds, it's found in FOLDER/saves/WORLD/serverconfig/lightmanscurrency-server.toml

notificationLimit The maximum number of player notifications allowed before old entries are deleted. Required to keep notification sync packets from getting too large.

ejectIllegalBreaks Whether protected blocks (such as traders, trader interfaces, etc.) broken by non-players (such as Create Drills, or other modded blocks that don't call Forges Block Break Events) will have their contents safely ejected into a temporary storage that will only be accessible by the protected blocks owner/admins. If disabled, the protected blocks contents will be thrown on the ground as though the owner had broken it.

canMintCoins Whether coin mint recipes of mintType MINT will be craftable in the Coin Mint. Set to false to disable the minting of coins (unless added by a datapack using mintType OTHER).

canMeltCoins Whether coin mint recipes of mintType MELT will be craftable in the Coin Mint. Set to false to disable the melting of coins (unless added by a datapack using mintType OTHER).

defaultMintDuration The default time period it will take for the Coin Mint to mint/melt a coin. Ignored if the recipe has a defined "duration".


Config options that allow you to disable the minting of a specific default coin. Note: Only affects recipes with a mintType of MINT


Config options that allow you to disable the melting of a specific default coin. Note: Only affects recipes with a mintType of MELT


Config options that allow you to determine which Wallet Tiers have which abilities. The Wallet Tiers are as follows: 0. Copper Wallet

  1. Iron Wallet
  2. Gold Wallet
  3. Emerald Wallet
  4. Diamond Wallet
  5. Netherite Wallet

convertLevel The Wallet Tier that gains the ability to exchange coins via a button in the Wallet Menu.

pickupLevel The Wallet Tier that gains the ability to automatically collect coins (while equipped). This also determines which Wallet Tier can be enchanted with the Coin Magnet enchantment.

bankLevel The Wallet Tier that gains the ability to interact with their bank account.


Various Config options that allow you to customize how coin values are displayed and input.

coinTooltipType The display method used for displaying a registered coins value tooltip.

  • DEFAULT: Tooltip displays this coins default exchange values. Example: Worth 1 copper coin/10 of these are worth 1 gold coin
  • VALUE: Tooltip displays this coins value text. Example: Worth $10 (Format based on the valueFormat config input)
  • NONE: No tooltip will be displayed.

coinValueType The display method used for display a coin value

  • DEFAULT: Coin Count & Initial text. Example: 5g1i2c
  • VALUE: Value format defined in the valueFormat config.

coinValueInputType The input method used for defining a Coin Value in various menus.

  • DEFAULT: List of coins with arrows above and below to increase/decrease the coin value.
  • VALUE: A text input where you simply type in the value number (e.g. type 10 to set a trades price as $10)

baseValueCoin The coin defined as 1 value unit for VALUE display purposes. Any coins worth less than this will have a decimal value.

valueFormat The format that any VALUE text will be displayed in.

Note: Must include {value} within the input or it will merely display the exact string given for all value text displays.


Config values to define the power of certain upgrades

upgradeCapacity1 The number of items added to a machines item storage when given an Item Capacity Upgrade (Iron)

upgradeCapacity2 The number of items added to a machines item storage when given an Item Capacity Upgrade (Gold)

upgradeCapacity3 The number of items added to a machines item storage when given an Item Capacity Upgrade (Diamond)


Config values to define the power of certain Money Chest upgrades

magnetRange1 The radius (in meters) of the Money Chest Magnet Upgrade (Copper)

magnetRange2 The radius (in meters) of the Money Chest Magnet Upgrade (Iron)

magnetRange3 The radius (in meters) of the Money Chest Magnet Upgrade (Gold)

magnetRange3 The radius (in meters) of the Money Chest Magnet Upgrade (Emerald)


Config values to define the power of certain enchantments

moneyMendingCost A Coin Value input to define the cost of repairing a single unit of durability with the Money Mending enchantment.

Coin Value inputs should be formatted as follows: "count-coin_id,count-coin_id"

Examples: Cost of 1 gold coin and 5 iron coins would be: "1-lightmanscurrency:coin_gold,5-lightmanscurrency:coin_iron"

Cost of 1 copper coin would be: "1-lightmanscurrency:coin_copper"

coinMagnetBaseRange The radius (in meters) of the Level 1 Coin Magnet enchantment

coinMagnetRangeLevel The increase in radius (in meters) added by each additional level of the Coin Magnet enchantment.


enabled Whether the Auction House will be automatically generated and accessible.

Note: Disabling after players have used the Auction House will result in any items/money within the Auction Houses storage being trapped permanently.

visibleOnTerminal Whether the Auction House will appear in the Trading Terminal. If disabled, the only way to access the Auction House is by interacting with an Auction Stand.

minDuration The minimum number of days an auction can define as its duration.

Note: Even when set as 0 days, an auction can still be no less than 1 hour long.

maxDuration The maximum number of days an auction can define as its duration.


maxPlayerDistance The maximum distance allowed between players in order for a player trader to persist.

Note: Input of -1 will always allow a player trade regardless of position or dimension, while an input of 0 will allow a player trade regardless of position but will enforce that they be in the same dimension.


Config options related to the Lightman's Discord Integration "Trade Bot" addon. Does nothing if Lightman's Discord Integration is not installed.

channel The channel ID of the Trade Bot channel.

prefix The prefix used for Trade Bot commands.

limitSearchToNetwork Whether the search command should limit it search result to only Network Traders.


Config options to determine if the Trade Bot should announce notifications in its channel when certain events happen.

networkTraderBuilt Whether a notification will appear when a new Network Trader is created.

Note: This notification will have a 60 second delay to allow the owner to customize the traders name, assign it to a team, etc.

auctionHouseCreated Whether a notification will appear when an Auction is created by a player in the Auction House.

auctionHousePersistentCreations Whether a notification will appear when a Persistent Auction is created/renewed.

auctionHouseCancelled Whether a notification will appear when an Auction is cancelled.

auctionHouseWon Whether a notification will appear when an Auction is completed and had a valid bidder.


The Master Coin List and Persistent Traders config files have their own page.