Changelog - LielAmar/2FA GitHub Wiki

2FA Changelog

  • 1.6.1 [March 10th, 2022] (Download)
    • Fixed a bug causing internal errors to be thrown whenever tab completing a command
    • Fixed a bug causing players with no 2fa to be taken as if they have 2fa enabled
    • Fixed a bug allowing players to use /2fa remove before authenticating
    • Added more configuration settings for auth communication
    • Added a new permission: 2fa.alerts.
      • Players with this permission will get important alerts from the plugin if it finds any problems with the configuration

  • 1.6.0 [March 9th, 2022] (Download)
    • Updated LielsUtils to a more stable version with many bug fixes
    • Changed the way authentications are handled between servers
    • Added a future-proof system for more options to transfer information between servers (besides proxies)
    • Improved messages system
    • Added velocity support
    • Improved API

  • 1.5.8 [February 23rd, 2022] (Download)
    • Updated PostgreSQL to version 42.3.3, patching all security vulnerabilities
    • Added placeholder keywords to the messages.yml configuration.

  • 1.5.7 [January 28th, 2022] (Download)
    • Updated H2 to version 2.1.210 to fix a critical RCE exploit
    • Fixed a bug with Legacy Enum items in versions above 1.13
    • Added a NULL Key check
    • Optimized imports and general code cleanup

  • 1.5.6 [January 10th, 2022] (Download)
    • Fixed a bug causing a ClassCastException with MapMeta to be thrown in version 1.17+

  • 1.5.5 [November 6th, 2021] (Download)
    • Fixed a bug causing the first player to join a freshly booted spigot server to be able to execute proxy commands
    • Fixed a bug causing a timed-out callback to not be removed and take up memory
    • Updated dependencies

  • 1.5.4 [October 15th, 2021] (Download)
    • The plugin now allows server owners to select 2 locations:
      • tp-before-auth: The location players with 2FA enabled would teleport to as soon as they join the server and need to authenticate
      • tp-after-auth: The location players with 2FA enabled would teleport to as soon as they're authenticate/auto authenticate.

  • 1.5.3 [September 27th, 2021] (Download)
    • The plugin will not disable itself if no dependency management system was able to download dependencies, but rather it'd work with less functionality.
    • Updated output texts to give more info on errors.
    • Fixed a bug causing an error if no storage method was loaded.

  • 1.5.2 [September 3rd, 2021] (Download)
    • Added HEX Color Support for Spigot 1.16+
    • 2FA's FileManager will now create, save and load files in UTF-8.
      • Previously, the plugin wouldn't mind the encoding causing symbols such as "•" to be loaded in ASCII (â�¢)
    • Fixed a bug with "enable_date" being NULL in JSON storage type
    • Fixed a bug causing SQL databases to not add the "enable_date" column to the players table
    • Fixed a bug causing database connections to not close on disable
    • Fixed a bug causing an exception to be thrown when disabling 2FA for online players
    • Updated dependencies versions

  • 1.5.1 [August 30th, 2021] (Download)
    • Improved Version Handling by the plugin
      • The plugin will now save 2 separate version types: Server Version and NMS Version
    • Potentially fixed a bug causing specific Spigot 1.16.4 builds to try to use the built-in dependency loader, although they don't have it

  • 1.5.0 [August 28th, 2021] (Download)
    • Added support to PlaceholderAPI placeholders
      • You can use /papi ecloud download {placeholder} to download and then use any placeholder supported by PlaceholderAPI.
    • Added custom placeholders:
      • %2fa_is_enabled% - Whether 2FA is enabled for this player
      • %2fa_time_since_enabled% - Time since 2FA was enabled
      • %2fa_key% - The 2FA key of the player
      • %2fa_is_required% - Whether this player is required to enable 2FA
    • Added support to delay when loading players' data after a server reload. This is helpful when there are multiple databases with different latencies, and 2FA is dependent on one of the plugins.
      • For example, LuckPerms. Although LuckPerms is loaded before 2FA as a soft-dependency, it doesn't guarantee that the players' permissions would be loaded before 2FA attempts to load the player. Therefore, a certain latency is needed/
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