Changelog - LielAmar/2FA GitHub Wiki
1.6.1 [March 10th, 2022] (Download )
Fixed a bug causing internal errors to be thrown whenever tab completing a command
Fixed a bug causing players with no 2fa to be taken as if they have 2fa enabled
Fixed a bug allowing players to use /2fa remove before authenticating
Added more configuration settings for auth communication
Added a new permission: 2fa.alerts
Players with this permission will get important alerts from the plugin if it finds any problems with the configuration
1.6.0 [March 9th, 2022] (Download )
Updated LielsUtils to a more stable version with many bug fixes
Changed the way authentications are handled between servers
Added a future-proof system for more options to transfer information between servers (besides proxies)
Improved messages system
Added velocity support
Improved API
1.5.8 [February 23rd, 2022] (Download )
Updated PostgreSQL to version 42.3.3, patching all security vulnerabilities
Added placeholder keywords to the messages.yml configuration.
1.5.7 [January 28th, 2022] (Download )
Updated H2 to version 2.1.210 to fix a critical RCE exploit
Fixed a bug with Legacy Enum items in versions above 1.13
Added a NULL Key check
Optimized imports and general code cleanup
1.5.6 [January 10th, 2022] (Download )
Fixed a bug causing a ClassCastException with MapMeta to be thrown in version 1.17+
1.5.5 [November 6th, 2021] (Download )
Fixed a bug causing the first player to join a freshly booted spigot server to be able to execute proxy commands
Fixed a bug causing a timed-out callback to not be removed and take up memory
Updated dependencies
1.5.4 [October 15th, 2021] (Download )
The plugin now allows server owners to select 2 locations:
tp-before-auth: The location players with 2FA enabled would teleport to as soon as they join the server and need to authenticate
tp-after-auth: The location players with 2FA enabled would teleport to as soon as they're authenticate/auto authenticate.
1.5.3 [September 27th, 2021] (Download )
The plugin will not disable itself if no dependency management system was able to download dependencies, but rather it'd work with less functionality.
Updated output texts to give more info on errors.
Fixed a bug causing an error if no storage method was loaded.
1.5.2 [September 3rd, 2021] (Download )
Added HEX Color Support for Spigot 1.16+
2FA's FileManager will now create, save and load files in UTF-8.
Previously, the plugin wouldn't mind the encoding causing symbols such as "•" to be loaded in ASCII (â�¢)
Fixed a bug with "enable_date" being NULL in JSON storage type
Fixed a bug causing SQL databases to not add the "enable_date" column to the players table
Fixed a bug causing database connections to not close on disable
Fixed a bug causing an exception to be thrown when disabling 2FA for online players
Updated dependencies versions
1.5.1 [August 30th, 2021] (Download )
Improved Version Handling by the plugin
The plugin will now save 2 separate version types: Server Version and NMS Version
Potentially fixed a bug causing specific Spigot 1.16.4 builds to try to use the built-in dependency loader, although they don't have it
1.5.0 [August 28th, 2021] (Download )
Added support to PlaceholderAPI placeholders
You can use /papi ecloud download {placeholder} to download and then use any placeholder supported by PlaceholderAPI.
Added custom placeholders:
%2fa_is_enabled% - Whether 2FA is enabled for this player
%2fa_time_since_enabled% - Time since 2FA was enabled
%2fa_key% - The 2FA key of the player
%2fa_is_required% - Whether this player is required to enable 2FA
Added support to delay when loading players' data after a server reload. This is helpful when there are multiple databases with different latencies, and 2FA is dependent on one of the plugins.
For example, LuckPerms. Although LuckPerms is loaded before 2FA as a soft-dependency, it doesn't guarantee that the players' permissions would be loaded before 2FA attempts to load the player. Therefore, a certain latency is needed/
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