Compilation profiles - LibrePlan/libreplan GitHub Wiki

Profile description

There are different compilation profiles. Check <profiles> section in root pom.xml to see the different profiles (there are also some profiles defined in pom.xml of business and webapp modules).

  • dev - Development environment (default)

    It uses databases libreplandev and libreplandevtest.

  • prod - Production environment

    Unlike dev it uses database libreplanprod and libreplanprodtest.

    It is needed to use it in combination with postgresql or mysql profiles.

    This is usually used while testing the stable branch in the repository. This allows developers to easily manage 2 different databases one for last development in master branch and another for bugfixing over stable branch.

  • postgresql - PostgreSQL database (default)

    It uses PostgreSQL database server getting database names from dev or prod profiles.

  • mysql - MySQL database

    It uses MySQL database server getting database names from dev or prod profiles.

  • reports - JasperReports (default)

    If it is active LibrePlan reports are compiled.

    It is useful to disable this profile to save compilation time during development.

  • userguide - User documentation (default)

    If it is active LibrePlan help is compiled and HTML files are generated.

    User documentation is written in reStructuredText and it is generated automatically thanks to this profile.

    Like for reports, it is useful deactivate this profile during development to save compilation time.

  • liquibase-update - Liquibase update (default)

    If it is active Liquibase changes are applied in the database.

  • liquibase-updatesql - Liquibase update SQL

    If it is active it is generated a file with SQL sentences for Liquibase changes needed to apply on database.

    This is used to generate upgrade files in releases.

  • i18n - Internationalization (default)

    It uses gettext to process language files in order to be used in LibrePlan.

    Like for reports and userguide, it is useful deactivate this profile during development to save compilation time.

How to use profiles

Profiles active by default are used always if not deactivated. In order to activate or deactivate a profile you should use parameter -P for Maven command. For example:

  • Deactivate reports, userguide and i18n to save compilation time:

    mvn -P-reports,-userguide,-i18n clean install

  • Use production environment:

    mvn -Pprod,postgresql clean install

Compilation options

In LibrePlan there are two custom Maven properties, which allow you to configure some small bits in the project.

  • default.passwordsControl - Warning about default passwords (true by default)

    If this option is enabled, a warning is show in LibrePlan footer to application administrators in order to change the default password (which matches with user login) for the users created by default: admin, user, wsreader and wswriter.

  • default.exampleUsersDisabled - Disable default users (true by default)

    If true, example default users such as user, wsreader and wswriter are disabled. This is a good option for production environments.

    This option is set to false if you are using the development profile (the default one).

  • default.deleteAllProjectsButtonDisabled - Disable "Delete all projects" button (true by default)

    If true, "Delete all projects" button is disabled and you don't see it.

    This option is set to false if you are using the development profile (the default one).

How to set compilation options

Maven properties have a default value, but you can change it using the parameter -D for Maven command to set the value of each option you want to modify. For example:

  • Set default.passwordsControl to false:

    mvn -Ddefault.passwordsControl=false clean install

  • Set default.passwordsControl and default.exampleUsersDisabled to false:

    mvn -Ddefault.passwordsControl=false -Ddefault.exampleUsersDisabled=false clean install

  • Set default.emailSendingEnabled to false:

    mvn -Ddefault.emailSendingEnabled=false clean install

  • Set default.deleteAllProjectsButtonDisabled to false:

    mvn -Ddefault.deleteAllProjectsButtonDisabled=false clean install


LibrePlan has a lot of JUnit test that by default are passed when you compile the project with Maven. You can use -DskipTests to avoid tests are passed always. Anyway, you should check that tests are not broken before sending or pushing a patch.

mvn -DskipTests clean install

MySQL Database

Note: The default LibrePlan database used is PostgreSQL. This is also the main focus of development. If you insist on using MySQL that is possible, but again, it is not the main focus of development.

Strongly preferred to use 5.6+ version.

For MySQL users here are specific instructions.

  • SQL sentences to create database:

    CREATE DATABASE libreplandev;
    CREATE DATABASE libreplandevtest;
    CREATE USER 'libreplan'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'libreplan';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON libreplandev.* TO 'libreplan'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON libreplandevtest.* TO 'libreplan'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;

  • Compile project:

    $ mvn -Pdev,mysql clean install

  • Launch application:

    $ cd libreplan-webapp/
    $ mvn -Pdev,mysql jetty:run

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