Scribe Configuration - LibraryOfCongress/scribeAPI GitHub Wiki

subject_fetch_limit: used by javascript to fetch subjects for a workflow. Ignored by Mark workflow. Default 10

retire_limit: Float - the percentage of uses who answer "There is nothing left to mark." before retiring the subject. In the Transcribe & Verify workflows, retire_limit is ignored. Minimum 2 (hardcoded, used to be 3) users have to answer the question. Default 0.75. LC value: 0.51 (simple majority)

generates_subjects_after: Int - Number of classifications a generated subject must represent before it's activated for the next workflow. Default 1. LC value: 2

generates_subjects_max: Int - Max number of classifications that a generated subject may represent before we mark its status 'contentious'. Default 10. It is only relevant for the "most popular subject generation method"

generates_subjects_agreement: Float - the minimum percentage of the most popular classification before we consider it consensus. LC value: 0.51 (simple majority)