What are Git Hooks?

Git hooks are programs that automatically run at different points in the lifecycle of a Git repository. The most common one I see in JavaScript projects is the “pre-commit” hook.

As the name suggests this runs right before a commit is made (i.e. after a developer runs git commit in the repo).

This allows you to “hook” into the Git process to run your own code, and potentially prevent the commit.

Installation Process:

  1. Go to .git/hook/ and create a file pre-commit.

  2. In pre-commit file write bash scripts - e.g. STANDARD="Drupal,DrupalPractice" BIN="./vendor/bin" echo "RUNNING phpcbf" vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=$STANDARD src

    echo "RUNNING phpcs" vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=$STANDARD src

  3. Now you have to change the permissions of this file so it is executable (since Git needs to be able to execute it): chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

  4. That’s it—now whenever you git commit you’ll see - the above mentioned scripts (2.) printed in your terminal.

How can you share hooks?

  1. .git/hooks folder isn’t shared by other people cloning your repository.
  2. So for that you can tell Git to use different directory to look for hooks.
  3. Create a folder .githooks in the root directory of your project and inside this folder create a file pre-commit.
  4. After this, go to composer.json file and right this script under scripts listener "post-install-cmd": "git config core.hooksPath .githooks"
  5. Once this is done run a command composer install to execute the scripts of composer.json file.

NOTE: Make sure before adding pre-commit hook - php_codesniffer library and Drupal and DrupalPractice standards are installed in your system. If not you can follow this link to install them. ----> php_codesniffer