Project Plan - Liam-Higgins2018/Group_Project GitHub Wiki

Our plan for this project is to make an endless runner game, where if you hit into an obstacle on the track you lose one of 4 lives. If you lose all three lives its game over.

We will divide the project out in 2 parts for the start, James will work on getting the character working and Liam will work on the environment. Once we have a basic character and environment, James will work on the running animation for the character and the controller that is capable for gestures on a touch screen. Liam will work on getting the environment obstacle animations working and the script to dynamically regenerate the running track as the character runs. Then we will work on getting scoreboard running to make sure that a life is taken from the user every time they hit an obstacle, and to get the score to save to the disk on the device. Once we have the scoreboard working we will get the score to save to an online database of high scores.