Problems with the Animation - Liam-Higgins2018/Group_Project GitHub Wiki

The past few weeks I have been having problems with the "Sprinting" animation I implemented on my character. I tried the animation on multiple characters trying to get it to work.

When I finally got the animation to match the character, my character would fall through the plane when gravity was applied, because i had no mesh collider in the shape of my character, once i got a mesh collider that somewhat matched my character it stopped falling through the plane.

The animation I got to work on the character mad it rotate and go up gradually in the y-axis. So, I had to align the curves on the animation so that the character what seamlessly going back to the same position it was in when the animation loop started. So the animation was not jumping between animation loops. I also delete the curves on the animation that made my character move in the x, y and z-axis. So I can use just the controller to move it, rather than the animation moving it aswell.

By James Mullarkey