Learning Outcomes of Merge Conflicts and Accessing Variables - Liam-Higgins2018/Group_Project GitHub Wiki

When our character and environment were ready to be merged we encountered a few problems. We decided the best way to merge the first time, was to merge manually by putting all the relevant components from James' character project into Liam's environment project. But when we did that we were getting errors because we forgot to put in a couple of scripts from James' character project and the running animation.One we fixed this, the merge was complete and ready to push to github. When we were both pushing and pulling from github we got merge conflicts. When trying to resolve these conflicts we ended up braking the project. It was only after a few times of attempting to resolve conflicts that we got the hang of it. There was no problem with merging since then.

James was trying to access a variable from the score.cs C# script in the test.cs C# script, but he wasn't able to set the external variable, so instead he sent a variable from score.c to test and used this to change the variable in test.cs

By James Mullarkey