Initial Push to GitHub And Working With GitHub Desktop - Liam-Higgins2018/Group_Project GitHub Wiki

Initial Push to GitHub And Working With GitHub Desktop

When we were ready to push our projects to GitHub and merge them we tried to push our projects through the command line. Errors would be thrown as our projects were to cumbersome for them to be pushed to GitHub and some files were also not able to pushed up to GitHub this way.

While researching other ways on how to push and share the code for project, we tried to use .gitignore, which would specify intentionally untracked files to ignore on push. This would not work in the way that we thought an most of our files would be able to be pushed up onto GitHub.

Finally we decided to use GitHub Desktop, the solution that we decided to use throughout our project. Through this method we were able to push and our projects for the first time.

As we processed through the project and using GitHub Desktop, we would get git conflicts with the various amount of files that we would continuously push up. We had to resolve each and every conflict. This was either done by going through each file where conflicts occurred and to decide whether to keep the current change to the file that we made to it or to accept the incoming change to the file. Some conflicts were also dealt with by resolving the issue by copying the file from the origin branch on GitHub.

After all the conflicts were cleared where were then able to push out commit up to GitHub.

By Liam Higgins