0. Django Tutorial Content - LiVanych/locallibrary GitHub Wiki
Developed by Mozilla Developer Network
- Creating a skeleton website
- Using models
- Django admin site
- Creating home page
- Creating list and details views
- Integrate sessions framework
- User authentications and permissions
- Creating Django forms
- Testing web application
- Deploying to production
- Security audit of app
1. Creating a skeleton website
- 1.1. Prepare development environment
- 1.2. Creating the project
- 1.3. Creating the app
- 1.4. Registering app in settings.py
- 1.5. Setup TZ
- 1.6. Hooking up the URL mapper
- 1.7. Running database migrations
- 1.8. Testing the website framework
2. Using models
- 2.1. Data Models and Relationships Design
- 2.2. Defining the App Models
3. Django admin site
- 3.1. Registering models
- 3.2. Creating a superuser
- 3.3. Logging in and using the site
- 3.4. Advanced configuration
- 3.4.1. Register a ModelAdmin class
- 3.4.2. Configure list views
- 3.4.3. Add list filters
- 3.4.4. Organise detail view layout
- 3.4.5. Controlling which fields are displayed and laid out
- 3.4.6. Sectioning the detail view
- 3.4.7. Inline editing of associated records
4. Creating home page
- 4.1. Defining the resource URLs
- 4.2. Creating the index page
- 4.2.1. View (function-based)
- 4.2.2. Template
- 4.2.3. The App Base template
- 4.2.4. The Index template
- 4.2.5. Linking to URLs
- 4.2.6. Configuring where to find the templates
5. Creating list and details views
- 5.1. App list page
- 5.1.1. URL mapping
- 5.1.2. View (class-based)
- 5.1.3. Creating the List View template
- 5.1.4. Update the base template
- 5.2. App detail page
- 5.2.1. URL mapping
- 5.2.2. View (class-based)
- 5.2.3. Creating the Detail View template
- 5.3. Pagination
- 5.3.2. Templates
6. Integrate sessions framework
- 6.1. Enabling sessions
- 6.2. Getting visit counts (if required e.g.)
7. User authentications and permissions
- 7.1. Enabling authentication
- 7.2. Creating users and groups
- 7.3. Setting up authentication views
- 7.3.1. Project URLs mapping
- 7.3.2. Template directory
- 7.3.3. Login template
- 7.3.4. Logout template
- 7.3.5. Password reset templates
- Password reset form
- Password reset done
- Password reset email
- Password reset confirm
- Password reset complete
- 7.4. Testing the new authentication pages
- 7.5. Testing against authenticated users
- 7.5.1. Testing in templates
- 7.6. Listing the current user's books(e.g.)
- 7.6.1. Models (add new field(s))
- 7.6.2. Admin (add new filed(s) into early registered model)
- 7.6.3. Loan a few books
- 7.6.4. Prepare "On loan" view
- 7.6.5. URL conf for on loan books
- 7.6.6. Template for on-loan books
- 7.6.7. Add the list to the sidebar
- 7.7. Permissions
- 7.7.1. Models
- 7.7.2. Templates
- 7.7.4. Admin Site
8. Creating Django Forms
- 8.1. Declaring a Form
- 8.2. Validation
- 8.3. URL Configuration
- 8.4. View
- 8.5. The template
- 8.6. Testing the page
- 8.7. Generic editing views
- 8.7.2. Templates
- 8.7.3. URL configurations
- 8.8. Permissions
- 8.8.2. Templates
9. Testing web application
- 9.1. Create test structure
- 9.2. Add model tests
- 9.3. Form tests
- 9.4.1. Views that are restricted to logged in users
- 9.4.2. Testing views with forms
- 9.4.3. Templates (if required)
10. Deploying to production
- 10.1. Choosing a hosting provider
- 10.2. Getting website ready to publish
- 10.3. Installing App on Heroku
- 10.3.1. Creating an application repository in Github
- 10.3.2. Update the app for Heroku
- Procfile
- Django-heroku
- Serving static files in production
- requirements.txt
- runtime.txt
- 10.3.3. Save changes to Github and re-test
- 10.3.4. Create and upload the website
- 10.3.5. Managing addons
- Sendgrid Heroku SMTP Relay configuration, etc.
- 10.3.6. Setting configuration variables
- 10.3.7. Debugging (if required)
- 10.3.8. Security settings
- 10.3.9. Deploy
11. Security Audit of App
- 11.1. Cross site scripting (XSS)
- 11.2. Cross site request forgery (CSRF) protection
- 11.3. Other protections
- 11.3.1. SQL injection protection
- 11.3.2. Clickjacking protection
- 11.3.3. Enforcing SSL/HTTPS
- 11.3.4. Host header validation