Importing tss files - Level-2/Transphporm GitHub Wiki


Like CSS, Transphporm supports @import 'filename'; You can store common display logic in one place and include it in another TSS file.

For example, you can write a TSS file that re-populates form data from post using:

form textarea {content: data(attr(name))}
form input[type="text"]:attr(value) {content: data(attr(name))}

If you store this in form.tss you can import it in another TSS file using the code:

@import 'form.tss';



h1 {content: "From imported tss"}
$xml = '
<h1> </h1>
<div> </div>

$tss = "
	@import 'imported.tss';
	div {content: 'From main tss'}

$template = new \Transphporm\Builder($xml, $tss);

echo $template->output()->body;


<h1>From imported tss</h1>
<div>From main tss</div>

For information on how this works, see the section on populating forms.

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