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Along came the spider - 1934, when the Monster shook America and chocked our young and flattened our homes and blinded a nation, along came the spider to offered us a deal. To build a web and stop the winds from crushing us and in return his kind would live freely in this land. Desperately, we clambered for salvation. The web was built and the dust was settled down and for a time there was peace. But, man has little desire to share and tension arose when the spiders would find themselves into unwelcome homes. The people claimed domain over land and property and began to slaughter the spider's kin in droves within the safety of their homes. The spider came onto man again this time to plead for the lives of its kind, reminding of the deal and of the tragedy diverted, but no one would listen. Livid with the state of things the spider took back his web and the dust rose up again and along it road the spider to a new land and in his place the sandman came.