Testing - Leonhest/HandballOrg_App GitHub Wiki

Test classes for the application is located here


Administrator test

Tests that the administrator class constructs properly. Screenshot_2022-04-25_at_14.47.07

Match test

Tests Match class functionality including setScore method and getters. Screenshot_2022-04-25_at_14.53.57

Results test

Tests the ability to add match to results in Result class. Screenshot_2022-04-25_at_14.55.16

Teamregister test

Tests all functionality and methods in the TeamRegister class. Screenshot_2022-04-25_at_15.05.50

Team test

Tests constructor and exception handling in Team class. Screenshot_2022-04-25_at_15.06.43

TournamentRegister test

Tests exception handling in TournamentRegister class. Screenshot_2022-04-25_at_15.07.43

Tournament test

Tests functionality in Tournament class including adding a match. Screenshot_2022-04-25_at_15.32.45

User test

Tests constructor and email registration. Screenshot_2022-04-25_at_15.10.41


setUpMatchesController test

Tests match setup. Screenshot_2022-04-25_at_15.11.35

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