Home - LeonPhilips/LagGoggles GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the LagGoggles wiki!

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What is LagGoggles?

LagGoggles is a mod, that allows server admins aswell as players to detect lag simply by looking around them. Lag is measured by the time it takes to update a block. These times are being recorded by the server, and sent to the clients who have LagGoggles installed. The clients then all process the recording themselves, and show them in the world.

As a player, what can I do to help?

By default, players are allowed to start the profiler, and receive the result which is trimmed to their surroundings. In general, this means you can only see your own base, and not someone else's. The server has a config to adjust restrictions for non-operators. What you can do is check your own base for lag, and try and optimize your setup. You can also send bug reports to the mod author of a specific block, and have the author optimize their code. There's alot of blocks out there that aren't written as good as one may suspect!

Which version to install?

If you have SpongeForge installed, download the SPONGEFORGE version. If you don't have SpongeForge installed, simply use the FORGE version.

I have it installed, now what?

Start your game, load a world or join a server with LagGoggles installed and hit the insert key! If this doesn't work for you, Go into your in-game options, and change the keybind.