Mega‐Grant Preliminary Analyses - LeoLedesma237/LeoWebsite GitHub Wiki


Since coming up with a statistical analysis for this research question seems complex- we should break it down into several parts. Let's first start by coming with tests that would support the idea of maturational delay. Let's prioritize investigating these models by considering Frequency Band (FB) power and the main outcome variable and narrowing down our analysis to topographical regions that we would expect for there to be a difference for that FB.

Quick background refresher

  • Delta: This is reported to be higher in younger children in the occipital and parietal regions
  • Theta: This is reported to be higher in younger children in the occipital and parietal regions
  • Alpha: This is reported to be lower in younger children in central and frontal regions.
  • Beta: This is reported to be lower in younger children in central and frontal regions.


  • Hypothesis 1: There will be higher delta in poorer spellers in occipital and parietal regions.
  • Hypothesis 2: There will be higher theta in poorer spellers in occipital and parietal regions.
  • Hypothesis 3: There will be lower alpha in poorer spellers in central and anterior regions.
  • Hypothesis 4: There will be lower beta in poorer spellers in central and anterior regions.

Visualization of the data