Mega‐Grant Averaging Power Within Frequency Bands - LeoLedesma237/LeoWebsite GitHub Wiki


To load in the files that contain information from FFT and average them within frequency bands for topographical locations of choosing.

Setting the parameters (Frequency Bands and Topography)

# Set parameters for frequency bands 
delta_start = 0.5
delta_stop = 3.75
theta_start = 4
theta_stop = 7.75
alpha_start = 8
alpha_stop = 12.75
beta_start = 13
beta_stop = 30

# Set the paramets for the channels
frontal = c("Fp1", "AF7", "AF3", "Fz", "Fp2", "AF4", "AF8")
temporal = c("FT9", "FT7", "T7", "TP7", "FT10", "FT8", "T8", "TP8")
central =  c("C3", "C1", "Cz", "CP3", "CP1", "CPz", "C2", "C4", "CP2", "CP4")
parietal = c( "P1", "P3", "Pz" ,"CP2", "P2", "P4")
occipital = c("PO3", "POz", "PO4", "O1", "Oz", "O2")

Obtaining the FFT file names

# Load in packaged

# Set working directory
setwd("Y:/STUDY 1/All EEG Files Organized/Preprocessed_RAW/CSV_eyes open and eyes closed FFT/Power")

# Extract all the file names
FileNames = list.files()

Average Power within Frequency Bands and Topography

# Create an empty list to save all processed files to
AllFiles.list <- list()

for(ii in 1:length(FileNames)) {
  # Extract current element of FileNames
  current.File = FileNames[ii]
  # Practice read in a file
  data <- read.csv(current.File) %>% tibble()
  # Create an ID Variable
  data$ID <- as.numeric(gsub("\\D", "",current.File))
  # Create a condition variable
  data$Condition <- ifelse(grepl(pattern ="Closed", current.File), "Closed", "Open")
  # Make channels first in the dataset
  data <- select(data, ID, Channels, everything())
  # Convert frequency band parameters into variable names
  d1 <- paste("x", delta_start, sep ="")
  d2 <- paste("x", delta_stop, sep="")
  t1 <- paste("x", theta_start, sep ="")
  t2 <- paste("x", theta_stop, sep="")
  a1 <- paste("x", alpha_start, sep ="")
  a2 <- paste("x", alpha_stop, sep="")
  b1 <- paste("x", beta_start, sep ="")
  b2 <- paste("x", beta_stop, sep="")
  # Calculate the frequencyband power
  data$delta <- select(data, d1:d2) %>% rowMeans()
  data$theta <- select(data, t1:t2) %>% rowMeans()
  data$alpha <- select(data, a1:a2) %>% rowMeans()
  data$beta <- select(data, b1:b2) %>% rowMeans()
  # Add a topography variable
  data <- data %>%
    mutate(Topography = case_when(
      Channels %in% frontal ~ "frontal",
      Channels %in% central ~ "central",
      Channels %in% temporal ~ "temporal",
      Channels %in% parietal ~ "parietal",
      Channels %in% occipital ~ "occipital",
      TRUE ~ "other"
  # Summarize the data
  AllFiles.list[[ii]] <- data %>%
    group_by(ID, Condition, Topography) %>%
    summarise(Delta = mean(delta),
              Theta = mean(theta),
              Alpha = mean(alpha),
              Beta = mean(beta))

# Save it all into one dataset
both.conditions <-, AllFiles.list)

Add variables that identify FB with powers higher than 3 SD within Topography regions

# Split by conditions
eyes.closed <- filter(both.conditions, Condition == "Closed") <- filter(both.conditions, Condition == "Open")

# Introduce variables identifying outliers in power within topographical location
eyes.closed <- eyes.closed %>%
  group_by(Topography) %>%
  mutate(Delta.z = (Delta - mean(Delta))/sd(Delta),
         Theta.z = (Theta - mean(Theta))/sd(Theta),
         Alpha.z = (Alpha - mean(Alpha))/sd(Alpha),
         Beta.z = (Beta - mean(Beta))/sd(Beta),
         Exclusion = case_when(
           abs(Delta.z) >= 3 | abs(Theta.z) >=3 | abs(Alpha.z) >=3 | abs(Beta.z) >= 3 ~ "Y",
           TRUE ~ "N"
         )) <- %>%
  group_by(Topography) %>%
  mutate(Delta.z = (Delta - mean(Delta))/sd(Delta),
         Theta.z = (Theta - mean(Theta))/sd(Theta),
         Alpha.z = (Alpha - mean(Alpha))/sd(Alpha),
         Beta.z = (Beta - mean(Beta))/sd(Beta),
         Exclusion = case_when(
           abs(Delta.z) >= 3 | abs(Theta.z) >=3 | abs(Alpha.z) >=3 | abs(Beta.z) >= 3 ~ "Y",
           TRUE ~ "N"

Save the datasets eyes closed and open respectively

# Save this information into an excel
setwd("C:/Users/lledesma.TIMES/Documents/Masters Project/cleaned_dependent_variable")

write.xlsx(list(eyes.closed = eyes.closed,
           file = "EEG Eyes Open and Closed FB Power.xlsx")

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