KBB MMN Preprocessing (Manually) - LeoLedesma237/LeoWebsite GitHub Wiki


There will be no code or images for most of these steps since they are very similar to KBB rsEEG Preprocessing (Manually).

Part 1: Load in the data

Part 2: Manually Save the data by task

  • We will only be saving the syllable data.
  • This is because the Tones markers were not saved correctly (problem was fixed in later recordings).
  • To save this data, we will be deleting all segments manually before and after this MMN condition.

Part 3: Load in the Syllable MMN data

  • When we saved the EEG files in the previous step, they were transformed into a .set file. These files are loaded using this step instead.

Load Existing Dataset

Part 4: Filter the data (1-45 Hz)

Part 5: Re-reference the data (TP9, TP10)

Part 6: Interpolate Noisy Channels

Part 7: Remove Noisy Segments

Part 8: Run ICA

Part 9: Remove Blink Components

Part 10: Document the Steps

Part 11: Save the data