KBB MMN - LeoLedesma237/LeoWebsite GitHub Wiki

The Mismatch Negativity (MMN) task is designed to observe changes in brain activity as a result of the introduction of a rare deviant stimulus. The paradigm tends to follow this formula: Have two designated stimuli. One will appear frequently and the other will not. In our case, we are interested in auditory stimuli so we will be incorporating beeps, phonological sounds, and words.

More specifically, the grant wants to 'investigate early auditory and language processing' by implementing a passive listening MMN. This means that the subjects will be hearing sounds and will not be asked to press any keys or pay attention to any additional stimuli. We will have three versions (blocks) of this task and each one will be randomized for presentation. Each block will be made up of 550 trials (500 standard and 50 deviant). Thus, all trials added together for the task will be 1650 trials. The first task will take around 4.5 minutes, the second task is around 8.0 minutes long, and the last task is around 10 minutes long. Overall the MMN should take around half an hour to complete. All three blocks will be presented to everyone in our sample (3-18 years old).

  • 1000 Hz vs 1200 Hz

  • /Ba vs /Da

  • Real vs Pseudowords

The grant states that this paradigm is likely to elicit the following: P1-N1 auditory ERP and the MMN. Analysis might be comparing ERP differences between groups, or something with finer detail. Lastly, we are likely to use a movie during the task to prevent subjects from getting bored and having their eyes wander around the room. Thus, we will either use the film from Inscape again as in rsEEG or use something else.

For more information, please see KBB MMN (In depth)

To view the code for the triggers, KBB MMN Triggers (PsychoPy)