App04 Social Network - LeoJuster/ConsoleApps15 GitHub Wiki
App04: Social Network - Inheritance
This application is the first version of a system that will allow users to post messages and photos that other users can view and like. (Any similarities to Facebook is purely coincidental!). This App is based on the BlueJ book chapter 8 in version 5, there is no video of that chapter. In BlueJ version 6 it is discussed in chapters 10 and 11.
There is a video to guide you through the code refactoring.
Please read the BlueJ book for a deeper understanding of the concepts covered.
Web Only Version
If you wish to create a Web version of this app using ASP.NET Core then YOU MUST WATCH
Video: Implement App04 with Inheritance and ASP.NET MVC with EF Core and a second video in Week 8 Pre-Lesson Videos.
You can if you wish create a web only version (NO CONSOLE APP) which would also count as your extension of the requirements worth around 15% of the marks. The Post, PhotoPost and MessagePost classes would form the Model, the Controllers and Views would form the NetworkApp and the NewsPost classes.
You must add any images to an images folder (the hmtl naming convention folder names start with lower case letters) inside of the wwwroot folder. There is no need to add code for users to upload image files. Although that is an extension that would be needed for a full featured application.
The user can:-
- Add a message Post to the list of posts.
- Add a photo or image Post to the list of posts.
- Display all the posts with their comments and likes
- Display all the posts for a date/time period (will have to be minutes in the console app)
- Display all the posts of a particular author
- Remove a particular post.
- Add comments to a particular post.
- Like and unlike a particular post.
UML: Use Case Diagram (16 marks)
to be inserted by the student
UML: Class Diagram (14 marks)
to be replaced by the student
Testing (18 marks)
1 - Post Message
2 - Add Photo
3 - Display all posts by user
4 - Display all posts
Black Box Testing
Evaluation (20 Marks)
The student should add five limitations or useful extensions that could be added to the application
- Improvement, Extension or limitation
- Improvement, Extension or limitation
- Improvement, Extension or limitation
- Improvement, Extension or limitation
- Improvement, Extension or limitation