App03 Student Grades - LeoJuster/ConsoleApps15 GitHub Wiki

App03: Student Marks


The first version of this application will allow a tutor to enter a single mark of each of a list of students and it will convert that mark into a grade. The application will then be able to calculate simple statistics and also calculate and display a student grade profile.


  1. Output and display an application heading
  2. Input a single mark for each of at least 10 students
  3. Display a list of the students together with their mark and their grade
  4. Calculate and display the mean mark, the minimum mark and the maximum mark
  5. Calculate and display a grade profile (the percentage of students obtaining each grade)
  6. A Mobile phone version of the App which can save, open and edit the student and their marks

This is a key tutorial illustrating how to create an SQL Database from C# classes based on Contoso University

Mark Range Grade Classification
70-100 A First Class
60-69 B Upper Second Class
50-59 C Lower Second Class
40-49 D Third Class
0-39 F Fail


UML: Use Case Diagram (12 Marks)

to be inserted by the student

UML: Class Diagram (16 Marks)

to be inserted by the student


Example Screen Shots (36 Marks)

Activity Diagram

Results of Unit Testing (44 Marks)

Unit testing screen shot to be inserted by the student

Evaluation (20 Marks)

The student should add five limitations or useful extensions that could be added to the application

  1. Limitation you are unable to go back and edit the grade if entered incorrectly.
  2. Improvemnt could be that it sections who has passed from who have failed.
  3. Improvement could be students can be categorised into different groups, For example 1st class, 2nd class upper etc.
  4. Limitation if a mistake is made anywhere you will need to start the programme again.
  5. Extension could be the ability to add and remove students from the list.