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Walkthrough: TriMedX Okta setup

The goal of this document is to provide instructions regarding the third-party authorization API setup.

Note: It is strongly recommended to read all deployment-related documents to understand how the settings are interconnected and mutually dependent


  1. Okta account
  2. Visual Studio Community Edition 17.5, or any IDE, or text editor, even Notepad

Sign Up for Okta

You’ll need a free Okta developer organization to get started.

TriMedX Okta developer organization: https://trimedx.oktapreview.com Ask your network administrator for credentials.

If you don’t have one already, sign up to create one here https://developer.okta.com/signup/ When you create a new Okta organization, it will be assigned a base URL like dev-12345.oktapreview.com. This is your unique subdomain in Okta. oktapreview.com orgs are production-ready and can be used for development work or full-fledged apps.

Set up and tweak an application

The settings that we tune in this section are interconnected with the deployment IIS MAnagement settings. It means, that the sites and ports you enter here should be the same as the sites and ports you enter in IIS Manager setup.

Note: The Application for https://trimedx.oktapreview.com account is already set up

  1. Open 'Applications' menu
  2. Click Add application button
  3. Choose WEB container and click Next webapp
  4. Add Base URIs. These are the domains where your application runs. Trusted Origins will be created for these URIs automatically, and will be the only domains Okta accepts API calls from. Use your CAM Portal URI and Admin Portal URI including ports that will be used during the deployment procedure. Example: http://localhost:54478/ (Admin) http://localhost:54477/ (CAM) appsetup
  5. Login redirect URIs:
    1. Add base Admin Portal URI, e.g. http://localhost:54478/
    2. Add CAM Portal login redirect, e.g. http://localhost:54477/app. It means that the localhost:54477 should be substituted with the relevant address:port and after it added /app
  6. For Grant type allowed check
    1. 'Authorization Code'
    2. 'Refresh Token
    3. 'Implicit (Hybrid)''
  7. Click Done

Your application will appear in the list of apps. You can easily access it by click on Applications menu item in the header

Choose your app in the list of applications to tweak its settings, click Edit appedit

  1. In the Allowed grant types group of settings, tick Allow Access Token with implicit grant type
  2. In the Initiate login URI, add login URI for Admin portal, e.g. http://localhost:54478/account/login. It means that the localhost:54478 should be substituted with the relevant address:port and after it added /account/login

The next step is to check the Trusted Origins. To do so you need to click API menu item and choose Trusted origins in the dropdown apitrusted

If you added Base URIs while setting up your application, the trusted origins will be on the list. trustedlist

If you skipped that option, you need to add both CAM and Admin Portal base URIs to the trusted origins list. Click Add Origin button to open the add origin popup. trustedpopup Repeat the action for each origin.

Apply settings locally

The stage when you need to apply Okta settings locally comes after you unpacked your website to the website physical location (the one that was entered in the IIS Manager settings as the website physical path)

Admin Portal App Settings

  1. Open the physical path to your Admin website, find appSettings.Production.json file.
  2. Open this file with any text editor (Notepad, VisualStudio or any other IDE)
  3. In the Authentication group of settings you need to set up arguments adminlocalsettings
    1. "Authority": "https://trimedx.oktapreview.com" - this is your Okta domain
    2. "Audience": "0oad3e4n0q8timfky0h7" - this is your client ID. Client ID you can find in Applications general settings in Okta clientid
    3. "Token": "007oE4dPdsRlzyVTWXV1z44twXftu0U4i1FWsYBKe4" - it is possible to copy the token only the moment it was generated if you don't have a copy of your token or your current toke was compromised, generate a new one, copy it to clipboard and paste here. See how to generate a token below.
    4. "ClientSecret": "0Ejdg7uTnQ_pNOEYaBP5rYnrbJlBQTLea0N2fEL_" - this is your Client Secret. You can find it in Applications general settings in Okta (see the screenshot for the "Audience" argument)
  4. Apply changes using Ctrl + S shortcut

CAM Portal App Settings

  1. Open the physical path of your CAM website, find appsettings.Production.json file.
  2. Open this file with any text editor (Notepad, Visual Studio or any other IDE)
  3. In the Authentication group of settings you need to set up arguments camlocalsettings
    1. "Authority": "https://trimedx.oktapreview.com" - this is your Okta domain
    2. "Audience": "0oad3e4n0q8timfky0h7" - this is your client ID. Client ID you can find in Applications general settings in Okta: clientid
  4. Apply changes using Ctrl + S shortcut

How to generate a new token

  1. Go to API -> Tokens token
  2. Click Create Token button createtoken
  3. In the Create Token popup window enter the name of your token and click Create token button tokenpopup
  4. This is the only time you see the token value. Copy it to clipboard and paste in the corresponding argument of appsettings.Production.json file (see Admin Portal APP Settings above) tokenvalue

Okta authentication is considered to be integrated into your project the moment you've completed and saved local app settings.