Work plan - LemontechSA/TideSDK GitHub Wiki

Notice: As of 2012-06-11 this work plan as been completed. We are moving to the road map now. We will update this page with the new immediate goals.

Immediate Work Plan

  1. Define a wiki keeping agreements. This could be done in the webpage/github.
  2. Identify the key resources owners (name and email):
  • Github repo owners.
  • Website repo owners.
  • JIRA Admins
  1. Identify the people and their emails from Appcelerator involved in the transition process.
  • Josh Rosselin - Former TiDesktop dev. jrosselin (on gmail)
  • Kevin Whinnery - Financial contact (?) kevin.whinnery (on gmail)
  • Nina - Lawyer in charge of defining the legal status of the projects (I'm not sure if we will have direct contact with her or through Kevin)
  1. Propose on the list the short term goals.
  2. Get the current doc hosted on the new website.

Copyright and Attribution

The following copyright and attribution applies to this document:

  • Copyright © 2012 David Pratt (for TideSDK). All rights reserved.


  • David Pratt
  • Paco Zarate