TideSDK Samples - LemontechSA/TideSDK GitHub Wiki
On this page you can find the way to make the samples work
Remove the following modules from the manifest:
- api
- javascript
- tianalytics
- tidesktop
- tigrowl
- tinotifications
Line 13: change file:// to file:/// (Daegalus)
Screengrabber on Windows
(blackorzar) I used this page for making it work
Installing requirements
Compile the 1.2.0.RC6d (v1.2 Windows) Install WiX 3.5 from: http://wix.codeplex.com/releases/view/60102 Setup the environment PATH to include the tidesdk\build\win32\sdk and tidesdk\build\win32\magick folders (Imagemagick is required for screengrab)
Change the manifest
The manifest I used was:
#appname: Sandbox
#appid: com.titaniumapp.sandbox
#guid: C33218F4-A11B-4909-9FEE-116EDB34750B
#version: 1.0
#image: default_app_logo.png
#publisher: Appcelerator
#url: titaniumapp.com
runtime: 1.2.0.RC6d
sdk: 1.2.0.RC6d
tiapp: 1.2.0.RC6d
tifilesystem: 1.2.0.RC6d
tiplatform: 1.2.0.RC6d
tiui: 1.2.0.RC6d
python: 1.2.0.RC6d
ruby: 1.2.0.RC6d
php: 1.2.0.RC6d
timedia: 1.2.0.RC6d
timonkey: 1.2.0.RC6d
tinetwork: 1.2.0.RC6d
tiprocess: 1.2.0.RC6d
tidatabase: 1.2.0.RC6d
tiworker: 1.2.0.RC6d
ticodec: 1.2.0.RC6d
Wix upgrade
Change win32_app Line 160 to support wix 3.5:
def get_wix_bin_directory(self):
path = p.join("C:\\", "Program Files", "Windows Installer XML v3.5", "bin")
if not p.exists(path):
path = p.join("C:\\", "Program Files (x86)", "Windows Installer XML v3.5", "bin")
if not p.exists(path):
raise Exception('Could not find WiX v3.5 bin directory')
return path
Running screengrabber
The command line used was:
C:\Nazca Proyectos\tidesdk\screengrabber>python "c:\Nazca Proyectos\tidesdk\titanium_desktop\build\win32\sdk\tibuild.py" -v -o win32 -t bundle -d dist\screen -r -s "C:\Nazca Proyectos\tidesdk\titanium_desktop\build\win32" -a "c:\Nazca Proyectos\tidesdk\titanium_desktop\build\win32\sdk" -p test.exe .
Line 20 & 21: Comment out I will submit an issue on it, so that we can look into the fix.