Short Term Road Map - LemontechSA/TideSDK GitHub Wiki


  1. Verify existing builds and build instructions on supported platforms. Tool chains need to be updated. Seek additional developer support as soon as we have verified build process to get people started easily.
  2. Establish our CI capacity and automation.
  3. Rename the core project in the code retaining the Ti namespace.
  • Ti = Titanium = Tide
  1. Get the documentation migrated to the TideSDK-Docs repo.
  2. Test and release a candidate at 1.2.1.RC1 that will be beginning of TideSDK line from Titanium Desktop inheritance
  3. Update libraries incrementally that TideSDK relies upon (release frequently)
  4. Create a branch for OSX sandboxing initiatives. (high priority)
  5. Cherry pick priority bugs from JIRA and begin issue tracking process through Github which has a low barrier to use and where our project lives. JIRA will be used as resource only for historical context.

Copyright and Attribution

The following copyright and attribution applies to this document:

  • Copyright © 2012 David Pratt (for TideSDK). All rights reserved.
  • Original sources of build documentation copyright (c) Appcelerator Inc.


  • Paco Zarate