Release Pending Tasks - LemontechSA/TideSDK GitHub Wiki
The following documents tasks and responsibilities for pending releases:
Release 1.2.1RC1 (last updated July 9, 2012)
- Verify and document builds. (fairwinds, blackorzar, dubcanada, Daegalus, meeech) - done
- Merge Windows branch to master. (fairwinds) - pending
- Rename/Rebrand within the code. (fairwinds) - pending
- Complete initial CI setup. (matthewh) - done
- Transfer CI setup to cloud. (Daegalus, fairwinds) - done
- Establish Windows 2008 Server slave. (Daegalus) - done
- Establish OSX Lion 10.7.x slave on cloud (matthewh) - pending
- Establish Ubuntu 11.10 slave on cloud (blackorzar) - done
- Set up IRC bot to report CI builds on #tidesdk channel
- Verify and drill bit tests. (blackorzar, fairwinds, dubcanada, Daegalus, meeech) - in progress
- Clean up and lint drillbit code. (fairwinds) - in progress
- Download the third party packages to hosting/repo under TideSDK control. (matthewh) - done
- Change Kroll to check for thirdparty packages on the new repos. (unassigned) - pending
- Change the updates webservice to a hosting/repo under TideSDK control. (unassigned) - pending
- Set up JIRA issue tracking system. (blackorzar) - done.
- Connect JIRA issues with git issues. (blackorzar) - done
- Assess legacy JIRA issues (cherry pick issues to come forward). (dubcanada) - done
- Categorize JIRA issues in issue tracker. (blackorzar) - done
- Single page web site. (fairwinds, dubcanada) - done
- Branding and design
- logo development and formats (wass3r) - done
- wire frame web site layout for rebranding efforts (wass3r) - in progress
- complete installer art, give icons 3d characteristics at larger scale, format icons for desktop (wass3r) - pending
- update website with new branding (unassigned) - pending
- update blog with new branding (unassigned) - pending
- Branding and design
- Configure sphinx system through read-the-docs. (fairwinds) - done
- Script yml apidocs to generate rst docs in TideSDK-Docs. (fairwinds) - pending
- Branding for packagers - logos and image elements. (sharry) - in progress
- Update sample projects. (Daegalus) - done
- Update users docs wiki. (Daegalus) - in progress
- Create "TideSDK Builder" for creating and packaging projects. (Paratron) - in progress
Release 1.2.1RC2
- Update Webkit in Windows, Mac, Linux
- Replace Drillbit test internals with mocha test framework. (not defined) - pending
- Define a network packaging strategy. (not defined) - pending
Copyright and Attribution
The following copyright and attribution applies to this document:
Copyright © 2012 David Pratt (for TideSDK). All rights reserved.
- David Pratt
- Francisco Zarate