Package Locally for OSX - LemontechSA/TideSDK GitHub Wiki

Packaging Locally for OSX

What follows is how I've been packaging locally for OSX.

What I'm using:

  • OSX 10.6.8
  • Ti Desktop 1.2.0.RC6e

Find where your lives. In my case, its in /Library/Application Support/Titanium/sdk/osx/1.2.0.RC6e

Go to that folder, and run like so: -n -t bundle -d /Destination/path/for/build /Your/Project/Source/Directory

Note: Pretty much everything in your source directory will get copied into the bundle. So, if you have any notes or things that shouldn't go out with your app (like the /dist folder), you will have to go clean them out of your App Package.

Bonus Points - Activating the Help Menu

I wanted to distribute activate the Help menu for my app. This is how I did it.

  • In Resources folder, I created folder, with the structure outlined here
  • Once I built my app, show package contents, and go edit the Info.plist that is in your packaged app. It's an XML file, so open it in your favourite text editor. I added the following info:
  • <key>CFBundleHelpBookFolder</key>
  • <string></string>
  • <key>CFBundleHelpBookName</key>
  • <string></string>

Then selecting Help for your app will work.

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