Issue Tracking with Git and JIRA - LemontechSA/TideSDK GitHub Wiki
Best of Two Great Issue Tracking Systems
For the TideSDK project we decided upon the best of two worlds with respect to issue tracking. We wanted the low barrier that Github has to offer for our users but the advanced capabilities offered by JIRA for our development team.
Atlassian is supporting open source and our application for use of their tools was approved which we greatly appreciate. You can read about our request and approval on our blog.
Where is TideSDK's JIRA located?
Our JIRA home is located at:
To obtain access to JIRA, please contact the Project Lead or drop by #tidesdk on freenode for more information.
How the Two Systems Are Connected
Filing a Issue
For the system to work properly, there are is a simple instruction to follow. We ask for your cooperation in adhering to the format for issues that you are filing:
Legacy and Historical Project Information
Thankfully, Appcelerator has granted administrative access to export data from the legacy Titanium Desktop project so that we have been able to import to our own JIRA system. This data is available in a separate project as 'TideSDK Legacy'. The information will be use for reference as we begin on a clean slate with TideSDK issue filing and resolution going forward.
Copyright and Attribution
The following copyright and attribution applies to this document:
- Copyright © 2012 David Pratt (for TideSDK). All rights reserved.
- David Pratt