Signs - Lemonszz/LKLib GitHub Wiki

Adding a sign type

Vanilla Minecraft doesn't let you create a new sign type, LKLib unlocks that functionality for you.

To create and register a sign type:

SignType EBONY_SIGN_TYPE = SignTypeHelper.register("ebony");

That's all you need to do to register a sign type. You will still need a sign item (see WoodTypeInfo).

As of now, sign textures need to be placed within the minecraft namespace. Put your texture at assets/minecraft/textures/entity/signs/sign_type.png

For the above example, that would be assets/minecraft/textures/entity/signs/ebony.png

Alternate Usage

If you wish to create a SignType without registering it, you can use SignHelper.createSignType

SignType EBONY_SIGN_TYPE = SignTypeHelper.createSignType("ebony");

This is not recomended, but it exists if you want it.