MathUtils - Lemonszz/LKLib GitHub Wiki
is a collection of methods that help with math stuff.
approach value will step the value current
towards the target
by the step
xPosition = MathUtils.approachValue(xPosition, 0, 0.25F); //xPosition will change by 0.25 towards 0
Shifts the RGB of the given color by the shift amounts.
int grassColour = MathUtils.colourBoost(oldGrassColor, 0, 20, 0); //Will move oldGrassColor to be more green
int waterColour = MathUtils.colourBoost(oldWaterColor, -5, 10, 10); //Will move oldWaterColor to be more green and blue, with less red
Will move an angle (in degrees) towards another angle, with a max step.
float angle = MathUtils.changeAngle(angle, 180, 5); //Will move angle towards 180, with a max change of 5
Creates a uuid from a given string, the string can be anything. The output will be the same if given the same string.
UUID id = MathUtils.uuidFromString("YummyMummy");