Installation - LemonLoader/MelonLoader GitHub Wiki


LemonLoader developers are not responsible for broken apps, lost save data, account bans, etc. Use at your own risk.


WARNING: This method will remove all app data. This can leave some apps completely non-functional. If your app requires some files like OBBs, be sure to back them up before patching.

  1. Download the installer APK from the releases.
  2. Install the APK onto your device, you can do this on device, through ADB, SideQuest, etc.
  3. On your device, open MelonLoader Installer.
  4. If you haven't granted permissions to the installer, it will ask for them now. These are required for the installer to work.
  5. Choose your app from the list and select Patch.
  6. Wait for the patch to finish, make sure your device doesn't turn off.
  7. When asked to uninstall the app, choose Yes.
  8. When asked to install the app, choose Install, and once it's installed, choose Done.
    • Oculus will give you popups after installation and usually after starting the app about how it has been modified and will ask you to restore the app. Always press Close or Open App.
  9. If the app was successfully patched, a prompt should come up to say so.
    • Oculus' UI may get confused at this point and say the app is not installed. To fix this, just restart your headset
  10. Start the app, depending on the size of the app, the first boot can take from 1 to 20+ minutes. Be patient, and hope it doesn't crash.

From Windows

  1. Download the installer zip from the releases and run MelonLoader.Installer.App.exe.
  2. Plug your device into your computer and make sure it's set up for USB debugging, including accepting any RSA key fingerprints.
  3. In the installer, find your device and press "Use this Device."
  4. Choose your app from the list and select Patch.
  5. Wait for the patch to finish, make sure your device doesn't turn off.
    • The Windows installer is able to automatically back-up any app data.
    • It is currently unable to restore app data. While OBBs work fine, app data will only be backed up.
  6. If the app was successfully patched, the patch button should just say "Patched."
    • Oculus' UI may get confused at this point and say the app is not installed. To fix this, just restart your headset
  7. Start the app, depending on the size of the app, the first boot can take from 1 to 20+ minutes. Be patient, and hope it doesn't crash.

Install to APK [Both Platforms]

  1. Open the installer.
  2. (If on Android) grant all permissions to the app, if you haven't already.
  3. Open the Apps tab and find the SD Card icon in the top right corner.
  4. Click it, and choose an APK with the file picker.
  5. Run through the patching process as normal.
  6. On Windows, the patched APK will be next to the provided APK, with a _patched suffix. On Android, the patched APK will be at /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.lavagang.melonloader.installer/files/patch_temp/LocalFile/output/base.apk.
    • The way the Android file picker works makes it hard to move the APK back to the original path.

QUEST USERS: Post-installation notice

Oculus will give you popups after installation and usually after starting the app about how it has been modified and warn you of potential risks. LemonLoader itself is entirely open-source and won't steal your account or get you banned.