Compilation - LemonLoader/MelonLoader GitHub Wiki

  1. Compile both MelonProxy and Bootstrap using the cargo ndk command. They should compile at the same time as they are part of the same workspace.
  2. Copy the following files into the decompiled APK's arm64 library folder
    • (compiled; replaces the original)
    • (compiled)
    • (available here)
    • and (both available inside this repo's BaseLibs/openssl folder; can also be compiled manually from the OpenSSL source code)
  3. Download the .NET runtime for Android here and extract it's contents into assets/dotnet inside the decompiled APK.
  4. Take the files from BaseLibs/dotnet_fixed_gc and replace the files in dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/8.0.6 with them.
    • This fixes a bug where Mono and IL2CPP fight each other's garbage collector, causing freezes and/or crashes. If you want to compile this fix manually (available in LemonLoader/runtime's il2cpp-patch branch), the Docker command I used is below.
  5. Compile the MelonLoader solution and copy the resulting output into your APK's assets folder.
  6. Take the BaseLibs/net6 folder inside this repo and copy it's files into the MelonLoader\net8 folder. This adds a functional version of Newtonsoft.Json, as well as Il2Cpp stripping workarounds.
  7. Download your app's corresponding Unity dependencies from here and replace the APK's with the one from the downloaded zip.
    • Be sure to match the architecture correctly or the app will not function.
  8. Add the following permissions to your APK's manifest.
    • android.permission.INTERNET
  9. [Optional] Create the file lemon_patch_date.txt inside your APK's assets folder and add the current time in RFC 3339 format.
    • This makes it so the Bootstrap both won't copy all of MelonLoader and dotnet every single startup and allows MelonLoader files to be replaced without the Bootstrap overriding changes.
    • If this file does not exist, all MelonLoader and dotnet files will be copied on every game launch.

.NET Runtime fork compilation command (ran on Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64 in a VM)

sudo docker run --rm \
  -v ~/runtime:/runtime \
  -v ~/android-ndk-r26d:/ndk \
  -w /runtime \
  -e ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/ndk \
  -e ROOTFS_DIR=/ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot/ \ \
  /bin/bash -c \
  "./ --subset Mono.Runtime --os 'linux-bionic' --cross --arch arm64"