IUniversalConverter en - Leksiqq/WpfMarkupExtension GitHub Wiki

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IUniversalConverter interface

Implements the System.Windows.Data.IValueConverter and System.Windows.Data.IMultiValueConverter interfaces and defines new generic methods for forward and backward conversion.


object? Convert(object?[]? values, Type targetType, object?[] parameters, CultureInfo? culture, bool multi);

object? ConvertBack(object? value, Type[] targetTypes, object?[] parameters, CultureInfo? culture, bool multi);

public static object?[] SplitParameter(object? parameter) - converts the argument to an array according to the following algorithm.

  • If the argument is an array, returns the corresponding array,
  • otherwise, if the argument is a string, returns a split of that string, using the character '|' as the delimiter,
  • otherwise, returns an array with the argument as the only element.

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