Home - Lehmancreations/Sonoff-With-MQTT GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the Sonoff-With-MQTT wiki!

This software is the software that I use in my smart home for my Sonoff devices.

When you first power up the sonoff it will blink the LED slow while trying to connect to a previously saved wifi. When it can not find that Wifi it will blink fast and go into AP mode. In AP mode look on your computer or smart phone for a WiFi network that is the same name of the device. Connect to it. It should redirect you (captive portal style) to the config page. If not open your browser and go to here you will be able to configure your Wifi and MQTT settings. Once saved it will reboot and connect to your network.

There is a MQTT topic that turns on and off the relay. There is a MQTT topic that turns on and off the LED. When the button is pressed it publishes a MQTT topic. MQTT settings

The button is rate limited to 5 seconds between pushes. The button by default does not turn on and off the relay. If you want to do that you need to be watching for the button topic in your OpenHAB or Node-Red server.

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