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#Go In Competition
This project contains material related to a translation of GO-ul in Competitii, a book by Radu Baciu. You can find information about the book and the author on Senseis Library.
The repository contains:
- Corrected game records for all 7 games saved in smart game format (sgf).
- A translated pdf of each game, the glossary, and the introduction.
- There are also some translation notes, a table of alterations, and a cover.
- The original book in Romanian language as a pdf, as published and made available by Radu.
Software used
- GoWrite
- LibreOffice
- CGoban
Version 1 was completed on January 23rd 2016. The chapters are done in slightly different styles, and the print quality is pretty basic. There may be some issues with the pdf compatibility due to using LibreOffice to generate them. For all corrections please use http://senseis.xmp.net/?IanDavis%2FGoInCompetitionErrata
Game Index
- 1 White: Alexandru Butnariu, 4-kyu Black: Serban Cantacuzino, 2-kyu
- 2 White:Lucretiu Calota , 1-dan Black: Walter Schmidt , 3-dan
- 3 White: Radu Baciu, 4-dan Black: Walter Schmidt, 3-dan
- 4 White: Hai Tao Zhang, 4-dan Black: Lucretiu Calota, 1-dan
- 5 White: Radu Baciu, 4-dan Black: Hai Tao Zhang, 4-dan
- 6 White: Haruia Sumiya, 4-dan Black: Radu Baciu, 4-dan
- 7 White: Alexandru Butnariu 1-kyu Black: Lucretiu Calota 2-dan