Learning Dashboard Architecture - Learning-Dashboard/LD-learning-dashboard GitHub Wiki

Repository Name Description Lead Organization
LD-learning-dashboard Learning Dashboard A dashboard for visualizing the quality of the company's products. UPC
LD-forecast LD Forecasting A library that provides forecasting for metrics and factors that are used to assess quality of the company's products. UPC
LD-forecast-rest LD Forecasting RESTful services RESTful services that provides forecasting for metrics and factors that are used to assess quality of the company's products. This component integrates the LD-forecast. UPC
LD-forecast-RScript Forecasting R script This repository contains an R script file complementing the forecasting techniques included by default in the LD-forecast repository. UPC
LD-si_assessment LD Qualitative SI assessment A library that provides assessment for the strategic indicators using Bayesian Networks, strategic indicators are the higher level of indicators used to assess quality of the company's products. UPC
LD-si_assessment-rest LD Qualitative SI assessment RESTful services RESTful services that provides qualitative assessment for the strategic indicators that are used to assess quality of the company's products. This component integrates the LD-si_assessment. UPC
LD-qma-mongo Quality Model Assessment library A library to read and write the assessment data from a MongoDB database. UPC
LD-qr_generation Quality Requirements Generator A library that generates the quality requirements candidates. This library uses the external tool PABRE-WS for managing a quality requirement patterns catalogue. UPC