How to manage Assessed projects - Learning-Dashboard/LD-learning-dashboard GitHub Wiki

:rewind: User Guide >> 5. Configuration >> 5.5 How to manage Assessed projects :arrow_backward: 5.4 [How to manage Products portfolio]] ](/Learning-Dashboard/LD-learning-dashboard/wiki/5.6-[[How-to-configure-Categories):arrow_forward:

The assessed projects are defined by the configuration of the Learning Dashboard Tool, they cannot be created or removed from the dashboard. But, the user can add some information.

In order to configure the project, the user needs to go to the Configuration area by clicking on the last option of the menu. The contextual menu shows the Products option, which shows the view that enables the products configuration.

Edit Project

Select the All Projects from the list on the left, then the user can select the project to mofify, and uses the Save button (at the bottom).

Project data