Configuration file - Learning-Dashboard/LD-learning-dashboard GitHub Wiki

The dashboard is configured using an file. If you are using Tomcat as a Web Server, this file is located at: <Tomcat folder>\webapps\LD-learning-dashboard\WEB-INF\classes.

JPA connection

spring.jpa.database-platform= org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect

spring.jpa.database= POSTGRESQL false

Local connection

spring.datasource.driver-class-name= org.postgresql.Driver

spring.datasource.platform= postgres

spring.datasource.url= jdbc:postgresql://<postgreSQL IP>:<postgreSQL PORT>/<postgreSQL database name>

spring.datasource.username= <postgreSQL username>

spring.datasource.password= <postgreSQL password>

QMA (Quality Model Assessment), connection to the MongoDB database where the assessment data is stored

qma.ip= <MongoDB IP>

qma.port= <MongoDB PORT> <MongoDB database name>

qma.username= <MongoDB username> [Optional]

qma.password= <MongoDB password> [Optional]

Forecast connection - restful service providing prediction functionality

forecast.url= http://<ForecastService IP>:<ForecastService PORT>/LD-forecast-rest-0.5

forecast.technique= Default technique to be applied for forecasting. The possible values are: ARIMA, ARIMA_FORCE_SEASONALITY, THETA, ETS, ETSDAMPED, BAGGEDETS, STL, NN, HYBRID and PROPHET.

forecast.ip= <MongoDB IP>

forecast.port= <MongoDB PORT>

forecast.database= <MongoDB database name>

forecast.username= <MongoDB username> [Optional]

forecast.password= <MongoDB password> [Optional]

Rserve connection <Rserver IP>

Rserve.port= <Rserver PORT>

Rscripts.location= <R script location> (Location inside the Rserve container)

Assessment SI connetion - restful service providing assessment functionality

assessSI.url=http://<AssessSIService IP>:<AssessSIService PORT>/LD-si_assessment-rest-0.1

Backlog connection - restful service providing functionality to add a new QualityRequirement in the backlog and get milestones and phases for one project

backlog.newIssue.url= <Backlog Services - New QR> (The LD provides the test service at '/api/createIssueTest')

backlog.milestones.url= <Backlog Service - Milestones list> (The LD provides the test service at '/api/milestonesTest')

backlog.phases.url= <Backlog Service - Phases list> (The LD provides the test service at '/api/phasesTest')

Pabre connection


Show demo content into the app

demoMode= false

Security Shield

security.enable= true

security.api.enable= true

Anonymization encryption method

database.encryption.key= <AES encryption key>

database.encryption.initvector= <AES encryption init vector>

database.encryption.algorithm= AES/CBC/PKCS5PADDING

Help menu links

help.process= <Learning Dashboard website>

help.userguide= <User manual in the Learning Dashboard wiki> <Issues section of the Learning Dashboard repository>

About custom information

about.custom.text= <Custom text, that will be shown in the About section>

Server information

server.port= <Learning Dashboard service PORT>

server.url= http://<Learning Dashboard IP>:<Learning Dashboard PORT>

JasperServer connection

jasperServer.url= <Jasper service URL>

jasperserver.user= <Jasper service username>

jasperserver.password= <Jasper service password>

Schedule and config of qr-eval execution

cron.expression= <Cron expression> (Specifying when Quality Model evaluation must be done. E.g. '0 0 2 * * ?', which is every day at 2 a.m.)

projects.dir= <Projects folder path>

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