Arch Linux Installation LEGACY - LeandroTheDev/arch_linux GitHub Wiki
Connect to the internet
- iwctl
- device list
- station wlan0 scan
This will show the intenets in your area.
- station wlan0 get-networks
- station wlan0 connect "INTERNET NAME"
Test internet connectivity
- ping
Update time date
- timedatectl set-ntp true
- timedatectl status
Creating the partition lsblk will show the hard disks connected Select the one you want install arch
The "?" is the disk you want to install arch
- fdisk /dev/sd?
- o
Creating Linux
- n
- default
- default
- default
- w
Active linux on the partition
- mkfs.ext4 /dev/sd?1
- mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
Installing Arch Linux
- pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring
- pacstrap /mnt base-devel base linux linux-firmware vim
Installing System Detection boot
- genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
- arch-chroot /mnt
Creating Swap
- fallocate -l 4GB /swapfile
- chmod 600 /swapfile
- mkswap /swapfile
- swapon /swapfile
- vim /etc/fstab
- /swapfile none swap defaults 0 0 // add new line
Changing timezone
- ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/AMERICA/Sao_Paulo /etc/localtime
- hwclock --systohc
- vim /etc/locale.gen
- en_US.UTF-8 -> remove the #
Install the language
- locale-gen
Naming the machine
- vim /etc/hostname
Configuring localhost
- vim /etc/hosts
- localhost
- ::1 localhost
- machinename.localdomain machinename
Change root password
- passwd
Create user
- useradd -m username
Create user password
- passwd username
Give access to user
- usermod -aG wheel username
Download sudo for admin actions
- pacman -S sudo
Edit visudo to grant previleges to users
- visudo
Remove the #
- #%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
Download the detectors of S.O
- pacman -S grub dosfstools os-prober mtools ntfs-3g
Script for updating grub
- vim /usr/sbin/update-grub
- // add
- #!/bin/sh
- set -e
- exec grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg "$@"
Run script
- grub-install /dev/sda
Update settings
- chown root:root /usr/sbin/update-grub
- chmod 755 /usr/sbin/update-grub
- update-grub
Install a network manager to use internet
- pacman -S networkmanager
- systemctl enable NetworkManager
Finishing installing
- exit
- umount /mnt -l
- reboot
Configuring Arch Linux
Connect to the internet
- sudo nmcli device wifi connect "INTRNETNAME" password "password"
Active some Librarys for pacman
- sudo vim /etc/pacman.conf
- #[multilib]
- #Include = /etc/pacman blablablabla
Remove the #
For old processor for monitor and processors if needed
- lspci -v | grep -A1 -e VGA -e 3D
For Intel Users
- sudo pacman -Sy xf86-video-intel mesa lib32-mesa
For Nvidia Users
- sudo pacman -Sy nvidia nvidia-utils lib32-nvidia-utils
Nvidia official site // If you use a desktop install desktop first and Steam for max compatibility
- Nvidia
- sudo pacman -S linux-headers
- sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau.conf
- //add
- blacklist nouveau
- sudo mkinitcpio -p linux
- reboot
- chmod +x NVIDIA-DRIVER...
- sudo ./NVIDIA-DRIVER...
- Have Fun