Changelog - Leakedbits/Codelabs GitHub Wiki
v0.6.0 (03/04/2014)
Version v0.6.0 adds a new sample and some minor changes.
- Added a new samples, Jump and double jump, to show how we can make a player jump .
- Added a Github splash screen. Remember to check out our GitHub repository.
- Deleted menu transition. This animation was causing problems to some users.
- Small code refactoring. We are working to make it clear for you but we need your feedback.
- New menu font.
v0.5.0 (02/23/2014)
Version 0.5.0 adds two new samples. This is an special version for us because we are sharing with everyone a Box2D controller to simulate buoyancy. Thanks to iforce2D for its blog post explaining his solution. You can find it here
- Added two new samples.
- Added a Box2D factory to create objects easily. This will help after a wiki edition to understand all samples better.
- New buoyancy controller.
- New class to work with polygons using Sutherland-Hodgman clipping algorithm
- New splash and menu transitions.
v0.4.0 (02/18/2014)
Version 0.4.0 adds a new sample to show how you can use the accelerometer sensor to change gravity.
- Add new sample.
- Fix a bug that prevented the use of back button to close the app from the main menu.
v0.3.0 (02/17/2014)
With the new release we have added two more Box2D samples to show how to work with impulses in Box2D and how to render sprites.
- Renamed tests to samples. This concept is better.
- Added two more samples.
- Improved memory management.
- Fixed a bug on DragAndDrop sample that prevents the user to go back to the menu.
v0.2.0 (15/02/2014)
This release adds two more Box2D samples. The first one, SpawnBodiesTest, shows how to spawn a body every time the screen is touched. The second one, DragAndDropTest, helps you using MouseJoint to drag bodies.
- Added two more tests.
- New splash screen.
- Viewport fixed to show correctly in higher resolutions.
- The back button doesn't close the app anymore. When pressed during a test, you now go back to the menu.
- Added an option in the main menu to exit the application.