Zen koans for the Great Way - LeFreq/Singularity GitHub Wiki

A student climbs the steps to the sanctum of the machine room and finds Master Foo at the terminal. "Master, what is the Great Way?"

The master responded "The Great Way is the how the Universe gets reflected inside the machine."

The student asks: How can the machine reflect the universe?

The universe is empty without form. The machine without code is empty and dimensionless."

How does it turn from such formlessness into a useable machine?

By the application of order and logic.

Where does one start?

It starts by the separation of the data bus from addressing and the separation of memory from processing as Master Turing showed.

A/nd then what happens. Then the processing of the Great Function must arise.

The student looks puzzled, but answers: "To grow, to reproduce, to form a home for birds and animals..."

Master: "Those are the outcome of the tree-nature. The Tree's nature is to turn energy, the immaterial, into solid matter."

Student: "Master, What does this have to do with the Unix-Nature?"

Master: "The Unix-Nature is turn data into knowledge."

"It is the distillation of the complex into the simple and transformation of the simple into the complex in an endless cycle of wisdom."

Please, master, what is so simple about unix. Each command has it's own little language to learn.

Yes, it's true. That is because it has not yet achieved it`s own Unix Nature.

But why hasn't achieved it's own nature? when it is unix itself?

Unix is an idea. The implementation you have on the computer is merely a shadow of the one idea: that everything can be reduced to simple ideas and those ideas can be connected to form higher ideas.

See also: