Grand Unified Theory - LeFreq/Singularity GitHub Wiki

In the grand, unified theory of objects, objects are composed of lessor objects until they get to the function or hardware edge, which act as base cases.

XXXEach object, since it can now be part of another object must exhibit (NO) a new type of polymorophism, where it acts as the subfunctions in the GOOP of in, out, getstate, and clone.

Each object and subobject, then, can also act as a transmitter or receiver of MSGages from the newscasting model. Functions are like prokaryotes, while objects are like Eukaryotes.

So, in this GUT, recursivity and constructivity go hand and hand, two different directions in a scale-free universe of data. This constructivity lends itself to the DNA model of biology. Starting with base case, you can build upwards into form, rather than drill downwards into analysis.

The base-case functions for such a system, might be something like a type-identifier, add/subtract?, parser/lexer.

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