Tutorial Old ReCon Commands - LaughingLeader-DOS2-Mods/LeaderLib GitHub Wiki

LeaderLib provides some new console commands, to help with testing your mod within the editor.

Note: The ReCon window can be opened by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + F11 while in the editor.

All commands are entered by first entering the osiris command, oe.

Animation Commands


Plays an animation on either the currently controlled character, or a specific character.

oe leaderlib_anim use_inspect
oe CHARACTERGUID_S_GLO_CharacterCreationDummy_001_da072fe7-fdd5-42ae-9139-8bd4b9fca406 leaderlib_anim use_inspect


Sets an animation override on either the currently controlled character, or a specific character.

oe leaderlib_animloop stillsneaking
oe CHARACTERGUID_S_GLO_CharacterCreationDummy_001_da072fe7-fdd5-42ae-9139-8bd4b9fca406 leaderlib_animloop stillsneaking


Stops any current animation override on either the currently controlled character, or a specific character.

oe leaderlib_animstop
oe CHARACTERGUID_S_GLO_CharacterCreationDummy_001_da072fe7-fdd5-42ae-9139-8bd4b9fca406 leaderlib_animstop

Character Points Command

Character points can be added to the currently controlled character with the following command:

oe leaderlib_addpoints POINT_TYPE amount

The supported values for POINT_TYPE are:

Type Description
attribute Attribute points.
ability Ability points.
civil Civil points.
talent Talent points.
source Source point.
sourcemax Max source points.

Usage Example:

oe leaderlib_addpoints attribute 10
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