Setting Up A Development Environment - Lattyware/massivedecks GitHub Wiki


Massive Decks has two core components: the server (TypeScript on Node.js) and the client (Elm). Both are managed using NPM.

This means the installing Node 17 should be all you need to get going. After that, all other dependencies will be installed with NPM. For security and ease of managing node versions, it is recommended to also install docker and use docker to run development tooling.

Getting Running

The first thing to do will be to fork this repository and clone your new fork to your local system.

If you want to use Docker (which is recommended for security and ensuring your environment matches the project's) you can use npm run docker:dev to run the development tooling inside docker. If you want to do it directly on your machine, just use npm run dev.

You can run that command in the server directory, and likewise in the client directory. This will start the two components in development mode. You can now make changes to the source in your favourite editor and they will automatically react to changes. By default, you can visit http://localhost:8080/ to see the game running.

If you would rather build manually you can just run npm run docker:build/npm run build.

You should now be up and running with a development environment for Massive Decks. If anything has gone wrong, check the troubleshooting page.