Contributing - Lattyware/massivedecks GitHub Wiki
Submitting bugs and feature requests
To submit bugs and feature requests, please create an issue on this project. Please try to include all the relevant information you can, particularly the steps you took to see the bug.
Please see the translation guide if you would like to help translate Massive Decks.
Contributing Code
First of all, we welcome contributions, so please don't be intimidated by the project. If you'd like to begin contributing, just give it a go, and feel free to ask questions on issues if you are unsure.
If you would like to work on Massive Decks, you can just fork the project, set up a development environment, and get coding.
If you are unsure what you can do, please check the list of open issues - any open issue that is not currently assigned to someone is free to be picked up.
Not sure what to work on?
- Any marked with the 'help wanted' flag would be particularly useful.
- If are design focused there may be graphics and style issues tagged.
- The issues are assigned milestones for priority - if possible, try to work on earlier (alpha -> beta -> 1.0 -> nice-to-have) issues first.
- If you are unsure what an issue is about, feel free to ask for clarification. Likewise if this is your first contribution and you'd like some help getting started.
If you are working on something, please make note of it on the issue, so no one else picks it up.
Once you are done, submit a pull request and someone will look over the code and pull it in, make changes or make suggestions if changes need to be made they can't make at that time.