Item Draft - Lattyware/itemdraft GitHub Wiki
Core Idea:
- Custom game mode for Dota 2 using the new custom game tools in Reborn.
- Items are drafted at the start of the game, instead of heros, and skills are bought with gold as the game goes on.
Everything is still up in the air - things may change if they are not viable due to limits of DOTA's modding tools, or because they play badly.
- Create custom draft screen where items are drafted in a similar way to ability draft.
- Create a custom UI for leveling, where players choose items to level.
- Disable the normal leveling, replace with the custom one.
- Create a custom shopping interface for buying spells.
- Disable the normal shop.
- You get experience in terms of item gold.
- You can draft items up to X cost during the draft (X a number to balance).
- You then get X/25 (or maybe smaller steps) per level.
- You can then 'spend' your experience (level up) to 'buy' items from the pool you drafted.
- Item slots remain unchanged.
- Draft a base hero?
- Maybe costs you out of your base draft pool (reducing 'X' above, better base stats -> cost).
- Maybe buy the base stats/growth too?
- Only one person can draft each top-level item.
- Except consumables?
- Exclude recipes? (Only one person can buy any dagon, for example).
- Draft order?
- People will get different amounts of items.
- Rotated like ability draft, with people dropping out when they run out of draft money ('X' above)?
- Bans?
- A core set of consumables are still purchased from the new shop with gold.
- Vision would be too inflexible, obs wards should remain buyables.
- Invis detection is lacking in skills, sentries and dust remain buyables.
- TP/Smoke may also want to be buyables. Playtest to see.
- Other consumables, when drafted, give you the item repeatedly over time. Intervals vary.
- Skills cost to upgrade each level (like dagon, for example).
- Skills will have a one per-team limit (stops horrific abuse, e.g: thundergod's wrath).
- Skills will be sellable, for reduced gold, as per normal.
- Prices set on skills to balance.
- Invoker's invoked skills are there, rather than his base set.
- May need some way to stop insanely OP combos of skills (known from ability draft).
Ideas thought of, but rejected:
- Skills have some kind of build up like items (e.g: nightmare + brain sap == fiend's grip).
- Seems too hard to make good build-ups, and build-ups too slow.
- Creating items that do what all skills do and skills that do what items do.
- A lot less UI work, reuse existing stuff.
- Allows for couriering of skills, instant items.
- Probably a lot more work, harder to update when changes in core happen, levelling still problematic.