Note: Meeting cancelled as planned, due to no feedback yet.
Week 39 - 01-10-2021
Place: School
Time: 10.00 - 13.30
Absent: Lucas
Note: Christian late (10.45)
What was done: Supervisor meeting. Set up of Github, java project, database and simulation connection
For next time: Database tables. Setup simulation for everyone. Connect to Database and github
Next meeting: Friday 8/10 10.00-14.00
Week 40 - 08-10-2021
Place: School
Time: 9:30 - 10.20
Absent: Lucas, Christian, Victor
What was done: Review meeting with group 2. Had a lot of interesting and valuable discussions. Helped us a lot. Small group meeting afterwards to discuss internal group dynamics. Set two meetings for next week.
For next time:
Next meeting: Friday 13/10 10.00-14.00
Week 41 - 13-10-2021
Place: School
Time: 10:15 - 11.30
Absent: Lasse (Discord)
Note: Meeting regarding absence and being late
What was done: Discussed how to improve attendance. Discussed reviews and made task for everyone for friday. See document Things to improve
For next time: Finish assigned sections
Next meeting: Friday 15/10 10.00-14.00 Discord
Week 41 - 15-10-2021
Place: Discord
Time: 10:00 - 11:15
Note: Finishing the project proposal
What was done: Everyone did their assigned task. We discussed the subquestions of the project definition, corrected general errors in the document and finished the proposal.
For next time: Look for a solution on, how to build our system.
Next meeting: Monday 25/10 12.00-14.00 Beer machine
Week 43 - 25-10-2021
Place: School
Time: 10:00 - 12:00
Absent: Lucas (discord), Victor (discord)
Note: Connecting to the beer machine
What was done: We connected to the beer machine and attempted to read some values.
For next time: Look into further implementation of the system.
Next meeting:
Week 44 - 05-11-2021
Place: Online
Time: 10:00 - 1400
Absent: Victor
Note: Connecting to the beer machine simulation
What was done: We managed to connect to the simulation and. We encountered some problems with controlling the machine. We didnt solve all the problems but we are getting help for next time.
For next time:
Next meeting: 12/11/2021 at 10:00
Week 45 - 12-11-2021
Place: Online
Time: ) 10:00 - 14:00
Absent: Victor
Note: Meeting with supervisor and continue work
What was done: Talked with supervisor in regards to the exam. Created tables and seeders for the database.
For next time:
Next meeting: 19/11/2021 at 10:00
Week 47 - 26-11-2021
Place: Discord
Time: 10-13
Present: Everyone
What was done: Lasse and Aksel worked on the java code for our project. Rasmus and Victor worked on usecases for the project. Lucas and Christian worked on the frontend in phpstorm.
For next time:
Next meeting: Monday 29-11-2021
Week 48 - 29-11-2021
Place: Discord
Time: 10-13:15
Present: Everyone
What was done: We decided on who was going to write the different subjects on the report
For next time: Lasse and Aksel, write about implementation java. Lucas and Christian, write about implementation of frontend in laravel. Victor, write about the use of the 4 courses. Rasmus, finish writing about usecase and making the diagrams.
Next meeting: Friday 03-12-2021
Week 48 - 03-12-2021
Place: Discord
Time: 10-13:30
Present: Everyone
What was done: Looked at everyones contribution to the report and went over adjustments. Continued work on frontend and backend
For next time:
Next meeting: Friday 10-12-2021
Week 49 - 10-12-2021
Place: Discord
Time: 10-11:30
Present: Everyone
What was done: Had a meeting with Parisa about how far we are with the project and what we are missing. OEE calculation is very important. We made sure that everyone was on the same page about our database and everything.
For next time: Rasmus and Lucas on GUI. Aksel and Lasse on sim data. Victor on OEE. Christian merge of frontend main and then helps with GUI
Next meeting: Tuesday 14-12-2021
Week 50 - 14-12-2021
Place: Discord
Time: 10-10:20
Present: Victor absent
What was done: Showed what we had worked on since last meeting. We planned what we had to work on until next meeting
For next time: Aksel and Lasse, Backend. Christian and Rasmus, Frontend. Lucas, project report.
Next meeting: Thursday 16-12-2021
Week 50 - 16-12-2021
Place: Discord
Time: 10-12
What was done: We discussed what was needed in our system to have a prototype of the functions ready and assigned it between the group members.
For next time: Aksel and Lasse, Backend. Christian, Rasmus and Lucas, Frontend. Victor formal aspect of the report.
Next meeting: Friday 17-12-2021
Week 50 - 17-12-2021
Place: Discord
Time: 10-12
What was done: Was ment to have a meeting with our supervisor, but it got cancelled. Showed what we had made for the day and assigned work for next meeting.
For next time: Rasmus, Christian and Lasse, focus on editing the project report. Victor, Lucas and Aksel, needed a break for the weekend.
Next meeting: Monday 20-12-2021
Week 51 - 20-12-2021
Place: Discord
Time: 10-14
What was done: We assigned Rasmus and Christian to work on minor bugs in the frontend, Aksel and Lasse to work on sending data to the batch report, hyperlinks and making batch IDs unique. Lucas and Victor to work on the report.
For next time: Aksel, Lasse, Christian and Rasmus, finish their assigned work. Victor and Lucas, formal aspect of the report.
Next meeting: Tuesday 21-12-2021
Week 51 - 21-12-2021
Place: Discord
Time: 10-12
What was done: Aksel collected data for Victor, so he could calculate the OOE value for the products. Lasse made some UI changes to the frontend. Christian and Rasmus fixed a problem we had with ghost data. Lucas worked on the discussion for the report.
For next time: everyone to finish what they were working on today
Next meeting: Wednesday 22-12-2021
Week 51 - 22-12-2021
Place: Discord
Time: 10-12
What was done: Victor and Aksel made charts and calculations for OOE. Lasse and Christian continued on the report. Rasmus added an outline for the OOE values in the frontend.
For next time: everyone to finish what they were working on today
Next meeting: Thursday 23-12-2021
Week 51 - 23-12-2021
Place: Discord
Time: 10-11
What was done: Everyone worked on finishing the report
For next time: Get the report as close as possible to finished
Next meeting: Monday 27-12-2021
Week 52 - 27-12-2021
Place: Discord
Time: 10-11
What was done: Lasse filmed the video for our code. everyone else read and commented on the report.
For next time: everyone to read the report and comment on it