New Student FAQ - LanguageDesign/Wiki GitHub Wiki

Travel Plan

  • Talk with your advisor before booking your flights or other arrangements.
  • Be mindful of '''Fly America''' Act which stipulates that federal money should be spent on United States airlines when they are available. (Generally inside U.S or across the Atlantic).
  • Be mindful of VISA procedures in the hosting country. Not all countries have automatic visa for U.S citizens.
  • Look for Travel Grants (for example SIGPLAN has travel grants.)
  • Look for volunteering opportunities which might give you free conference registration.
  • For to and from journeys, take shuttle or enterprise. (Using you own car is a bad idea if you have to pay for parking.)
  • Make sure that you keep the receipts for all travel done.
  • Do not miss the early registration deadlines. This will cause the cost of registration to go up.

References for a position

To get a reference for a position follow these steps.

  • Before filling out the reference form, Notify the referee.
  • If you have the approval from the referee, then fill out the form and submit.
  • Check back with the referee before the deadline.



  • Papers
    • Make sure to include the proper acknowledgement for funding agencies in any paper that you write.
  • If the amount of help you get from some one - for a paper or some thing you will get credit for - exceeds a limit, make sure to ask them if they want to be acknowledged or added as a co-author.


  • Qualifiers should happen before November 15 of the second year.
  • Find three faculty members willing to be on your committee and find approximate time available.
  • Get a GCR member by going to grad school cs major or here. Be careful. You are allowed to generate the list only once per day.
    • Mail one member at a time, with the info such as other members in the committee, your research (blurb), Tentative time.
  • Schedule program meeting before the qualifier. (15 minutes committee)
  • Time line:
    • Day you want your topic,
    • Turn in paper 4 weeks later
    • Presentation 1 week later (2 hours committee)
  • Work backwards from your day of presentation.
  • Book Conference halls for both presentation and program meeting
  • Make use of this and the flowchart


  • Check your mailbox at least weekly.