Configuration File - LambLabs/Lider-DERS GitHub Wiki

Configuration file is composed of several sections

General Parameters

General section specifies

  • SourceWidth and SourceHeight
    Resolution of the input videos in pixels
  • StratFrame
    Frame from which depth estimation will be start
  • TotalNumberOfFrames
    Specifies how many frames should be processed and how many depth maps frames will be estimated
  • FileCameraParameter
    Path and filename of the camera parameter file.

Example general section of the configuration file

#=============== GENERAL PARAMETERS ================
SourceWidth            1920
SourceHeight           1080

StartFrame             160
TotalNumberOfFrames    1

FileCameraParameter    Calib_Param_Kermit.txt

DepthType              0 		# 0...from camera, 1...from world origin

Camera Configuration

Camea configuration section specifies

  • NumberOfInputViews
    Number of input views used for depth estimation
  • NumberOfOutputDepths
    Number of output depth maps to be estimated based on input views
  • InputCameraName0 .. InputCameraName<N>
    Camera parameter name associated with view input file 0,1 up to N from those specified in used camera parameter file
  • OutputCameraName0 .. OutputCameraName<N>
    Camera parameter name associated with view depth map to be estimated from those specified in used camera parameter file

Lider-DERS uses OutputCameraName<N> parameter to indicated which depth maps to estimated based on all InputCamera

Example camera configuration section of the configuration file

#=============== CAMERA CONFIGURATION ================ 

NumberOfInputViews    3
NumberOfOutputDepths  3

InputCameraName0      param_v6
InputCameraName1      param_v7
InputCameraName2      param_v8
InputCameraName3      param_v5
InputCameraName4      param_v9

OutputCameraName0     param_v7
OutputCameraName1     param_v6
OutputCameraName2     param_v8

Input parameters

Input parameters section specifies

  • FileInputViewImage0 .. FileInputViewImage<N>
    Path and filename (with the .yuv) to the 0, 1 up to N-th video sequence to be used for depth estimation.

Example input parameter section of the configuration file

#=============== INPUT PARAMETERS ================

FileInputViewImage0     ..\TextureContent\v6_1920x1080_8bps_YUV420.yuv
FileInputViewImage1     ..\TextureContent\v7_1920x1080_8bps_YUV420.yuv
FileInputViewImage2     ..\TextureContent\v8_1920x1080_8bps_YUV420.yuv
FileInputViewImage3     ..\TextureContent\v5_1920x1080_8bps_YUV420.yuv
FileInputViewImage4     ..\TextureContent\v9_1920x1080_8bps_YUV420.yuv

Output parameters

Output parameters section specifies

  • FileOutputDepthMapImage0 .. FileOutputDepthMapImage<N>
    Path and filename (with the .yuv) to the 0, 1 up to N-th depth map sequence to be used for store estimated depth map.

Example outpur parameter section of the configuration file

#=============== OUTPUT PARAMETERS ================

FileOutputDepthMapImage0 v7_1920x1080_0_3_1_62d_16bps_cf400.yuv
FileOutputDepthMapImage1 v6_1920x1080_0_3_1_62d_16bps_cf400.yuv
FileOutputDepthMapImage2 v8_1920x1080_0_3_1_62d_16bps_cf400.yuv

Search parameters

Search parameters section allows for defining a range of disparities or depths to be search during depth estimation. Following configuration parameters are specified

  • SearchRangeType
    Defines a type of search range to be used for depth estimation.
    • 0 - means min and max disparity will be provided
    • 1 - means z_near and z_far distances will be provided

Disparity based search range

Disparity based search range allows to specify minimum and maximum disparity (pixel shift along epipolar line) between selected views. It also specify disparity normalization factors to be used to output depth maps in Normalized disparity format. Disparity based search range mechanism is controlled by following configuration parameters:

  • MinimumValueOfDisparitySearchRange
    Starting disparity for correspondence search in depth estimation procedure
  • MaximumValueOfDisparitySearchRange
    Ending disparity for correspondence search in depth estimation procedure
  • MinimumValueOfDisparityRange
    Minimum disparity value to be stored in estimated depth maps
  • MaximumValueOfDisparityRange
    Maximum disparity value to be stored in estimated depth maps
  • SearchLevel
    Disparity step in correspondence search
    • 1 - integer pel
    • 2 - half pel - two step per disparity
    • 4 - quarter pel - four steps per disparity
    • 8 - 1/8 pel - eight steps per disparity
  • BaselineBasis
    Defines a basis baseline for disparity scaling between input views
    • 0 - minimum baseline between all input views
    • 1 - maximum baseline between all input views

Distance based search range

Distance based search range allows to specify minimum (z_near) and maximum (z_far) distance to be search in depth map estimation. It also specify distance normalization factors to be used to output depth maps in Normalized disparity format. Distance based search range mechanism is controlled by following configuration parameters:

  • NearestSearchDepthValue
    Starting (minimum) distance for correspondence search in depth estimation procedure
  • FarthestSearchDepthValue
    Ending (maximum) distance for correspondence search in depth estimation procedure
  • NumberOfDepthSteps
    Number of steps between minimum and maximum distances, specyfies numer of depth levels to be checked during depth estimation
  • NearestDepthValue
    Minimum distance value to be stored in estimated depth maps
  • FarthestDepthValue
    Maximum distance value to be stored in estimated depth maps

Example search parameters section

#=============== SEARCH PARAMETERS ================

SearchRangeType                         0   # 0...Min/MaxDisparity, 1...Znear/Zfar

#------------ For SearchRangeType = 0 -------------
MinimumValueOfDisparitySearchRange      35 
MaximumValueOfDisparitySearchRange      190 
MinimumValueOfDisparityRange            35
MaximumValueOfDisparityRange            190 
SearchLevel                             1   # 1...integer, 2...half, 4...quarter, 8...1/8 pixel
BaselineBasis                           0   # cam distance from 0...min of left or right, 1...max of left or right

#------------ For SearchRangeType = 1 -------------
NearestDepthValue                       0.49
FarthestDepthValue                      1.63
NearestSearchDepthValue                 0.49
FarthestSearchDepthValue                1.63
NumberOfDepthSteps                      5