TLDR‐Tooltips - Lailloken/Lailloken-UI GitHub Wiki

Feature Overview

  • important: this feature is currently still in its experimental stages

  • scans part of the screen for specific text and displays a summary in a customizable tooltip overlay

currently supported: default TLDR
eldritch altars image image
vaal side areas image image


  • this feature requires its own hotkey

  • you also have to specify which key toggle highlighting is bound to in game (default: Z)

User Interface & Settings

  • this feature has its own section in the settings menu, with UI and sub-feature settings
main UI-elements & user interaction screenshot
scan area:
- hold the hotkey to see a visualization of the screen-area that will be scanned

- scroll the mouse-wheel to resize it
main tooltip:
- hover over individual lines and press number-keys 1-5 or SPACE to apply customizable color patterns

- hold shift to hide the tooltip for the duration of the key-press

- click the tooltip, or press ESC or the hotkey to close it

Initial Setup

  • this is an OCR-based feature that requires a compatibility test first

    • OCR-features share this test, so if you have already completed it for a different feature, you can skip this section
  • open the character-stats screen in game (default: C)

  • open the settings menu by clicking the cogwheel icon on the toolbar and go to the TLDR-tooltips section

  • the checkbox to enable the feature will be highlighted in red because a compatibility test has to be done first

    • click the checkbox to open the Windows Snipping Tool

    • use it to screen-cap 4 to 5 lines of text from the character-stats screen

    • a new window will open, asking you to transcribe a certain number of unique words on the image

    • if this compatibility test succeeds, the checkbox can be ticked to enable the feature

  • if you have moved the in-game action toggle highlighting (default: Z) to a different key, you'll have specify it in the settings

  • this feature requires its own hotkey that needs to be specified in the settings

    • there is an option to block the key's native function: pressing the hotkey will only activate this specific script feature and nothing else on the system

    • click apply & restart to set the hotkey and restart the script

General Usage

  • whenever you find a supported mechanic, move the cursor into the center of the text-box (altars: center of the circle) and tap the hotkey

    • first-time usage: instead of tapping the hotkey, hold it in order to check if the scan area is visible and correctly follows the cursor (the cursor should be right in the center of the square and rectangle)

    • try to position the camera in a way that puts the text-box near the center of the screen (in order to avoid scanning game-UI as well)

    • make sure the HP/Mana bars above your character don't block the text

  • if the scan was successful and the text was clear, the tooltip will open near the cursor

    • hover over individual lines and press number-keys 1-5 or SPACE to apply customizable color patterns

    • hold shift to hide the tooltip for the duration of the key-press

    • click the tooltip, or press ESC or the hotkey to close it

  • if the scan was not successful, an error message will appear inside the tooltip

    • this message will not disappear by itself, it has to be closed as if it was the TLDR-tooltip itself

Finding out why Scans Fail

  • there is a debug option in the settings menu which forces this feature to display the screen-cap and the text it was able to read from it

  • if enabled, hold the right CTRL-key before tapping the hotkey to scan the screen

  • use this to check if there is something wrong with screen-capping or text-recognition

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