Reactivate User - Lagoon/LagoonSecurity-API GitHub Wiki
Reactivates an user account. This means the user receives a new notification with an activation url. Can only be used for users which where never registered. The user object is returned including a list of his permissions (organized by profile - action ->actionpoint).
GET /users/{user_id}/reactivate
If your application is configured to use contexts use:
GET /contexts/{cname}/users/{user_id}/reactivate
user_id: User Idendification
Output Example:
"id": 13,
"enable": true,
"ghost": false,
"login": "user",
"name": "User",
"email": "[email protected]",
"profiles": [{
"id": 16,
"name": "admin",
"description": "adminProfile",
"actions": {
"Users": ["reactivate", "deactivate", "show", "activate", "index"],
"Application": ["index"],
"Apps": ["show"],
"Contexts": ["show", "update", "index", "delete", "edit", "save", "create"],
"Permissions": ["index"]
"token": "df8c7e2b9950479fb327b3c336f472021343212870715"
Note: The token is only returned if an activation URL was specified.